This is getting some serious side-eye from me.
Raja was horribly mean, you're right. But they all were pretty cruel (the "Heathers" clique).
That article on smug-ass Justin Timberlake was perfect.
I just want to send internet hugs and warmest wishes to you and everyone in this thread. I'm so sorry that you and your loved ones have had to deal with this debilitating illness. So, so, sorry for your pain.
I see what you did there.
My deepest condolences. I'm so sorry. Hugs to you!
I know. He got me. But now I'm just having a gif party (I learned how to post a gif today and I am psyched!). Buh bye to the troll!
Haha, right?
I realize that now. My bad for feeding.
I can't tell if you're joking. You do realize that these women exist for more than your fapping pleasure? And if a trans woman turns you on, that a) doesn't make you non-heterosexual, and b) is on you? Unless you demand equivalent prior knowledge on cisfemale models — who's had their boobs done, their teeth fixed, and…
Ha, I don't even remember the 3rd person thing. And flaunt that body (hers is sickening)! I am referring to her bullying other contestants, calling them ugly and boogers, and engaging in cruel mean girl tactics. To be fair, she wasn't the only one.
I feel like Raja is more genderfuck and high fashion than VS.
Thank you! Seriously welling up over here.
I'm all for a trans VS model! But Carmen Carrera?
Thank you. Your empathy is appreciated.
Thank you. It's truly a nightmare. It's not that I think that short hair is not beautiful, it's the lack of agency over the way I look. I'd love to strut my stuff, but when the choice is taken away, it's painful and scary.
Thank you, I appreciate it!
I know that, intellectually. But, alas, I am human. So...
I have an autoimmune disease that is causing my waist-length hair to fall out. I will soon have to chop the remaining strands. One of the biggest fears about this is not what this disease is doing to my body, but the loss of my hair (and "beauty"). And this is why. Fuck these assholes sideways with a jackhammer.