
The game Commandoes does this.. the game runs like lightening on modern PCs (or did when it came to steam) you had to get a processor cycle taxing app that would make your machine work harder and therefore make the game playable again.

Company that just raised $100 million in development funds says that they have a lot of development work to do.

jdownloader 2 is constantly updated and works for multitudes of services.

So the game can track your inputs dozens of times per second but not apparently notice you suddenly have a smaller hitbox or are levitating.

Oh man. I thought they’d reskinned Johnny with the original “Keith Richards” concepts they did.. that would have really made for an interesting change, not a jacket and haircut.

The one thing that confused me was through all the previous patches was the worthless but uncollectable items bug. Right from the off that was

I’ve lost track of how many years since I first heard of this game (back when it was called HK or something ..) has to be one of the quietest and longest dev’s for an indie game that I’ve been aware of and aching to play.


They allowed a culture like this to flourish, making it feel acceptable..

Is the inept and wholly lacking justification.. or rather deflection. It’s corporate double speak isn’t it.. “we replaced X”... or “changes have already been made” crap that is meant to diminish responsibility and appear pro-active.

I travelled from the UK to NYC around the time this came out and bought it on DVD in a Sunday flea-market on a whim. Absolutely loved it. Elvira looked timelessly flawless.

Great campy gags and silliness.

They get everywhere

I so want to see the original cut of that.. there’s loads of clips and shots of the original effects (like the saucer pilots and conjoined man) and in almost all cases they look far better. Since they did layer the CG on top of practical it does really help the film and the performances but use CG to fix the joins and

a great man once said:
“One man’s To Kill a Mocking Bird is another man’s Twilight saga”.

Never be bothered for not enjoying what others heap praise on.
Sometimes the day, the time, my emotions stop me seeing the value of something; coming back another time, in another state, makes all the difference.

I too find CG monsters look overly detailed and always in focus as if they want every single part of every expensive shot clearly on the screen. And that cookie cutter approach to characterisation, exemplified by the above shot, the monster absolutely has to have a close up where they roar directly into the camera.

Now playing

Try Summoning Salt’s speed run mini documentary series on YouTube for some great analysis of this kinda thing.

and yet 22Cans is still a thing!

Expedition Unknown did a really good show on this tragic event and while these results do offer a possibility that was previously ruled out it doesn’t seem to fit with the conditions the tents were found in nor where the bodies ended up.

Having lived in Front Royal everything he says about himself rings very true.

I’ve been enchanted by Sedaris on his radio shows (Radio 4, UK) but this is the first time I’ve seen him. I always imagined him as 80 years old with that almost indefinable voice of his.