
Dave Franco has form for dodgy, stick on beards.. the line is his!

I’m always fascinated by how reserved and uncomfortable Greg seems to be on stage and in many interviews and yet he is an actor.

I prefer the Butts & Bass calendar.

Straight from NPR without sucky itunes getting in the way

lets just have Witcher 3 every year and be done with it.

Oh man!,... they had me at Squirrel Girl 

We played this map to death on our works network during our lunch hours back in the day. I believe it was this map that put pay to us ever loading up Quake ever again.

It’s starting to feel that way. Yes I applaud what they are saying.. but it is just “saying”.

Start a movement, give people a flag to get behind and take forward. Is that really entertainment’s responsibility.. probably not but as they say time and again.. we have to do something and why not start with personalities

Wow.. these gave me chills they are so atmospheric (esp the living billboard of Joi).

It does seem at odds with their very polite and respectful nature. To be fair Shibuya does feel a bit more chaotic than other parts and a wonderful place to visit just for the atmosphere.

Never mind crows I’ve seen enough J-Horror to know where this is going.

Seems to have captured his acting ability uncannily well too.

“Dueling plotlines both miss the mark on a pleasantly average Simpsons”

Oh! Hooters is an Owl themed restaurant... I’ve been horribly misinformed.

No love for X? Because Y!

Tag line for the box art right there.

Certainly one of the best films I’ve seen this year and can’t wait for it to come out on DVD at last.

“Alexa ... ask the CIA where my phone is”...

Don’t underestimate the Japanese respect for honourable conduct.

Preaching to the choir :)
I content myself with them “leaving em wanting more” and not lowering quality for quantity... but all the same i so don’t want this season to end.