
Am currently destroying BunnyLord’s enemies with Samantha from Wales.. and yes it is a real place. Huge fun.

And disappointing when you discover it’s a hollow plastic tube to annoy and block the view of those behind you..

To be fair their are few things deadlier than coming across a pack of girls from Swansea on a night out.. Samantha gets my vote.

Was at an interview for a developers role at a Police HQ for a district of the UK, prestigious job i thought. Arrived 10 minutes early and was directed to sit and wait in a stiflingly hot typists pool by a secretary. 45 minutes pass when a man came in and exclaimed ‘so that *my name* never bothered to show up...

“In some cases, they don’t reflect the actual content of the game”

And for the last decade all Jackie Chan films look like they only ever did one take of every single shot.

Has to be the most misleading article title I’ve seen of late. I came here to see... no wait!

Smashing! Yeah have to Pac-Man your own town and street. Google bless you Google when you do no evil.

"watching TV in the dark can be pretty tough"... has to be the most first world problem I've ever heard.

"watching TV in the dark can be pretty tough"... has to be the most first world problem I've ever heard.

I'm a bit confused. You mention notifications as a negative on the score board but cant find anything about it in the review. There seems to be a lot of positives (not unexpected in such an enjoyable series) in the review but precious few notes on the negatives at all making this seem a rather unbalanced review to me.

That was my experience. The settings were dull corridors with some awkward to find routes to navigate while your partner got hooked on a stairwell or doorframe. Okay so the AI was a leap and it had some nice visual ideas.. it didn't make up for the uninspired story or locations. Just MHO.

So basically the game is "Newt Simulator"

Two words Chrome & Adblock

Back when Haunted Hills came out I was amazed how timeless she managed to look. Good on her, gonna rewatch today I think.

I recall being really disappointed to find out so many of those great Simpsons songs were

I spotted "Invisible, Inc" last night and it looked interesting and was planning on checking it out today. Anyone given it a try?

So the original game is freeware and available on the official website! Am on a bit of a P n' C kick ATM so this is perfect. Just upvoted the steam greenlight for the sequel too, looks absolutely delightful old-chap what ho!

I totally agree... Lets not forget that doing them this way (or the 'mcdonald's toy way' as I like to call it) is dirt cheap with less articulation, parts and effort in the manufacture while milking a brand.

I thought 2010's "UFO: Extraterrestrials" was the spiritual successor to X-Com.. it was just as shonky with exactly the same base building, shootdown, turn-based wreck investigating scenes... and i loved it.

My thought exactly.. oddly i could hear that line coming out of Mayor Quimby's mouth.