Dude also likes to drink, so he’s clearly I favor of DUI. Fuck this guy! Oh, holy shit, he’s smoking too, that a-hole must be the one that gave my dad cancer. Fuck. This. Guy!!!

Met this guy once (before I knew who he was); creepy as hell.

This guy has the strangest booger.

F&$k yeah!

Yeah, I don’t get it...

My experience tells me one-million/year. I’m not a scientist, though.

Yeah, having something slip out casually says a lot about how active things are in your private life...

Looks dreadful.


To me it’s always seemed like a definition thing. Making the characters easy to see and express emotions on a small scale, then later that scale changed to HDTV everwear and now you can express things in more detail, subtly.

LOL “Cool story, bro.”

Psh... everyone knows boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.

She murdered those Eggos.


Has Japan ever made a film about the horrors of war that they have inflicted? e.g.: the rape of Nanjing, etc.

It’s like a real person being puppeted by a cartoon.

Everyone needs to read these books, especially those that associate themselves with them.

It’s like laying your cards down and showing that they’re actually blank; people aren’t going to trust that.

They need to release this on a mini retro console.