Dolphin meat tuna with homemade chili oil.

There was this line of sex toys in the early 2000s called Read or Die. Been using that ever since.

Came here to post the same thing.

LOL Looks like a bunch of alien sex-toys.

Jazz totally leads to premarital sex, though.

I’m sorry, but how cool would it be if it actually were. :-D

Seeing these types of videos nowadays pisses me off immensely knowing how much influence theses a-holes had on parents.

“...for this year...”

From an artist’s perspective, I’d be pissed too —regardless of what political dump was involved.

Is that Chinatown LA? Looks like it.

Same. Before it was super choppy, now it’s like most everywhere else.

Wouldn’t or couldn’t?

I actually enjoyed those. Was really surprised when it became a headline that players were hating on them.

What got me was that the hammer you’re given wears down ridiculously fast for those. Otherwise I wouldn’t have minded.

I guess it’s not for you, then. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun at the start of a game. I’m still amazed Nintendo made this game after all the intrusive handholding in Skyward Sword.

Yes, this. Skyward Sword should have STARTED with sword stuff.

That’s a dumb argument you’re perpetuating.

Parrying is much more rewarding. :-)

How does being white change that? It’s acceptable for white people to be under this “moniker”?