Yeah, I’m already worn out by just the trailer.

I wouldn’t loop something through there, might ruin it! LOL

To find it?...

Just like the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey, too.

Space Vagina. Coming to a theater near you...


Apparently not everyone did.

Pretty much that. All the armor in the game seems to flex all the same. This one more so because of its shape.


Habbo Hotel, adult room...

Oh, but they want it to need it bad -for lack of good English.

Thought I had mine set up too because of the user-name-looking title under my Mii, but apparent I didn’t.


Stupid as hell.

Yeah, it’s stupid.

Yeah. Unfortunately cheapness over quality. These are pricy to collect. Even the Pop figs I do like, I end up not buying because of crap paint jobs.

Ooh-ooh-ooh! a [maybe] Trump related story! Gotta run with it!

Biggest problem with Svbtle is the name.

Ugh... This, totally. I came here to say how cute the top pic looked but then I saw all the other ones... -_-