Although it wasn't until a year later you could beat the shit out of a prostitute... steal the ambulance that's coming to help said prostitute, then run the prostitute over with said ambulance.
Oh well, that's a relief. I thought he'd murdered his family before killing himself. Thank you internet!
Um, no... There is a reason. By keeping this murderer out of the game is what detaches the event, of the murders, from the company.
After the first time it's played, it should send out a flag for the fallowing times to let the PC/PS4/360/PS3/XBONE/Wii/WiiU know that "Oh, right, you've seen this shit already."
I'm actually kind of surprised that "cunt" would even be considered preferred. I guess I never hear it in any other case that isn't negative.
That just killed it.
I can feel he is about to come.
Why did I click on this? Oh, right...
Does a really great pro-wrestling game even exist? I mean, they always seem to be only mediocre to bad.
A quick glance at these pix, I thought she was a Hot Toys action figure.
I really with this realization was a little more widely known; maybe people would be less likely to be asshats about an incident.
This image looked really nice until I saw the full picture...
Yeah... I don't get it.
I suppose if I didn't know it was an obvious scam, I'd probably go for it; otherwise there's just too much honesty guilt...
Redesign? Didn't notice...
As much as I feel bad for the players in regard to this issue, I've also never particularly thought the graphics and character designs in WoW were all that interesting; even with the new updates. Unappealing graphics are actually something that's kept me away.