I think you're confusing trolls with jerks, racist, sexists, and all around bigots.

So you're basically taking a similar stance to the ones that say, "if we stop talking about racism, racism will go away." Go ahead, stick your head in the sand!

I've only ever seen two articles regarding the issue, this included,. How did all of this get started? I mean, was there finger pointing by someone?

Kind of makes that Taylor Swift video tame...

Not much difference.

Actually looks like a turtle.

Yikes. Must have missed that one.

Dyslexic; took a while... -_-'

And then...

I'm glad it has a spelling that won't get lost on internet searches.

Whoa, that W 25 Silver Arrow is awesome.

This reflects what I do.

Where's Barry?

I've never actually had jock itch before so I've been pretty ignorant of it up until now; you know, just curiosity that I looked it up bcz of this article. Sure, I have to have the occasional scratch down.... Alright, Kotaku, now you have me talking about my balls.

Seriously, dude, we're talking about videogames here. I said, I understood this, not that I was all seeing.

I learned nothing I didn't already know, and disagreed with.

It'd piss me off too if an entire contry denied doing to my country what Japan did to theirs.