Like I've never seen before? I thought I was the one being accused of making assumptions? Listen, sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way, but there's certainly a lot of jerks here going around playing that "I'm Asian and I'm not offended / I don't see the racism here," card.

Ad hominem? Well yeah, of course I'm making it personal. Because dysekt made it personal when they said "I'm Asian..." They're argument became about their own life experience. I just happen to find this extremely ignorant.

Not everyone has your "attitude," bucko.

True, there are some very privileged Asians out there.

I was just agreeing with ya.

Which is why the Chicago Sun probably has a lack of diversity.

You —> "Hey, everybody, I'm privileged! Oh, and btw, I'm Mormon so fuck off."

^This, exactly! LOL

"This doesn't bother me so I'm going to make sure it doesn't bother everyone else, too" LOL Yeah, those assholes.

Goo job, you're Asian and privileged! :-D

Well, if you're teased with this your entire life in the media, yeah, of course you're going to pick up on it. :-p

I was about to say "Wow, this story sure exploded," but then I realized how insensitive that would be.

Thanks for pointing out your privilege.

Of course someone was going to post this.

Didn't even read what you said. Saw the baby goat and click the star.

Evangelion was already a crap version of Evangelion.

I can't help think that's Dana Carvey in a mask. +Wig.

That's excellent.

Steampunk really needs to be a little more narrowly defined. There are just too many other things out there that look, to some people, like steampunk but are clearly not. I'll just leave it at that.