
Yea, I didn’t really think the tone seemed very appropriate here either.  Needless attack on the children of the accused.

No, that’s not correct. I respect that you see it that way, but that’s objectively and literally not what she is doing. She knows what she is doing and she is doing it on purpose. She is using Trumpian agitation tactics to score rhetorical goals on those she views as enemies.

“Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.”

The Fast and the Fuhrerious

Thank god. It’s bad enough having 4.0 I6 jeeps tailgate me and drive aggressively. I don’t need Fred Durst lookalikes roaming around in 700hp mall-crawlers with 6 inch lifts ok, I can’t just watch someone crash and not stop to help. Don’t make me help Fred Durst or people who look like him 

Now get ESPN to carry the coverage for a bit longer after the race ends. Give us the post race analysis that the SKY F1 team does well.

Could be wrong since it’s very hard to see but British company... maybe the driver is on the other side?

I mean I can be mad at George Zimmerman being found innocent, hundreds of cops not facing any murder charges, and still think that Jussie was guilty and deserved jail time. It’s not all mutually exclusive.

Should have just used a Fiesta. Way cheaper.

Cold tires and 1.5 psi off.  We all know why...

“Today the US Attorney brings charges against Michael Avana.... Avanti... Avennnot gonna practice law anymore, anyway.”

No, I think that’s called Twitter.

Every single time Jalopnik tries to embed a video from F1 it gets blocked. Just stop trying. 

Looks like Ricciardo left the wings at Red Bull.

“I haven’t been properly invested in a season of F1 since 2012...”

Look everyone, it’s Debbie Downer.

I’ll take “fuck this stupid earth” for $2000 Alex.