Hernandez 6/17/13 (11:35:01 P.M.): I think I messed up bad, coach. What do I say when the media starts asking the tough questions?

Asking for advice on getting caught filming something you shouldn't have?

"Messi? I would give him heaven if possible," Maradona said.

Conversely, you appear to be unable to recognize humor which reminds me of that time Jessica told this joke about welfare mamas and I didn't laugh and OH GOD I'M SO SORRY JESSICA RACISM IS KINDA FUNNY SOMETIMES AND I GET IT NOW PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTHER SHOT.

That other commenter is SO right. I can't believe Cleveland is taking him back, like some poor schmo who got dumped by his insanely hot girlfriend and you just don't see what you did wrong I mean didn't I take you to all the hot clubs and buy you that Coach bag and shun my friends and keep my phone on at all times so

They cut off the FML transaction section that shows my monthly trade of $700.00 to Sallie Mae in exchange for one tiny sliver of my soul.

"It's just what Toby would have wanted."

More coming soon on this, obviously.

We used to have hockey practice in the mornings before high school, because it was the cheapest ice time available. If school was closed or delayed because of snow, we'd already be at the rink before that decision was made, so after practice we'd gather all the metal folding chairs in the rink and drag them into the

This just reinforces what I've always said about Brett Favre not belonging in the Hall of Fame.

When you're in that situation, it's hard. People give you looks, comments, etc. And it can either knock you down, or you can start thinking, screw this person. S/he knows nothing about my situation. My WIC case worker told me to stop worrying about that. If I didn't NEED the help, I wouldn't have qualified. What

Not to mention that just because the car looks fancy, doesn't mean it is worth any considerable amount of money. My first car that I bought myself was an almost ten year old BMW 318ti, literally the lowest of the low when it came to BMWs but it was in perfect condition, had great maintenance records, and I liked the

Oh, but if we could do that, what would we do with all our leftover self righteousness?

I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.

The district viewed video of the lap dance on a cell phone video.

This is a woman's site? I thought it was a dating site and came here to find a wife to cook my meals and bring me my slippers! (ducking now)

That would be Libs like Tom Cole, the Republican congressman who actually wrote the letter to the NFL urging the team to change it's name?

And in the 1400s 4 out of 5 Italians believed the world was flat yet somehow Columbus managed not to sail off the end of it.

Your inability (or refusal?) to grasp the issue on a scale larger than a singularly basic USA Today polling is masterful, sir. Purely awesome stuff.