If you are dissenting about it being okay to call someone a nigger, wouldn't you be racist? What's the distinction here?

Are you a Native American that doesn't find the name offensive? That's who gets to weigh in on whether or not it's "really" a slur.

You may be the only one surprised by this "new" information.

Maybe you should look to see how Native Americans feel about it, as it's not that shocking that a huge portion of the country doesn't care about a slur that's not directed at them.

I would pay just about any amount if you could kindly arrange for a gif of the Wilbon/Smith/basketball interaction you've described here.

Your last line gave me a laugh, because I own AAPL but I still don't make recommendations of one or the other.

I find that there are at least a couple phantom rings when you call my cell (not my Google Voice number, but a line on which I do use Voice's vmail). I had issues with calls not getting through at all when I used Voice (which really screwed me up getting cable installed one time, but otherwise was less of a problem

That's still overly broad. I'm not anti-iPhone, I just happen to use an Android. Don't let the talking heads on TV fool you, not every topic breaks down neatly into "with us" and "against us" categories. Maybe what you mean to say is "unless you've chosen a phone that is not an iPhone".

Isn't this predetermined by what kind of phone you use?

Says who?

He only looks like that to better help him resist carnal desires.


You have met people from Florida, right?

I've never socially networked on G+, but I like it as an automatic backup for my pictures. I'm sure I've accidentally promised them my first born, but they even create gifs for me.

The soldier should report the dog stolen. The girlfriend didn't own it and therefore can't sell it. The family that has it is now knowingly in possession of stolen property. When the police come and take the dog back, the kids can learn a valuable lesson about not keeping things that don't belong to you.

I see your point, but I interpret it as criticism of the status quo. i.e. it shouldn't be their responsibility, but colleges aren't doing anything to protect women, so women are forced to be super-vigilant. It's not how it should be, but sadly is reflective of how it is.

"Fuck Red Sox Cock!"

Instead of productivity, you could have this conversation about corporate profits vs wages and get to the same conclusion the author reaches. There's been an upward redistribution of the wealth created by corporations because of, among other things, significant increases in executive pay relative to other employees,

The article cites other countries coming to vastly different results, so saying this is human nature doesn't seem accurate.

It should be more like the NCAA football playoffs. At least that sport does't have ties!