I would pay just about any amount if you could kindly arrange for a gif of the Wilbon/Smith/basketball interaction you've described here.
I would pay just about any amount if you could kindly arrange for a gif of the Wilbon/Smith/basketball interaction you've described here.
I find that there are at least a couple phantom rings when you call my cell (not my Google Voice number, but a line on which I do use Voice's vmail). I had issues with calls not getting through at all when I used Voice (which really screwed me up getting cable installed one time, but otherwise was less of a problem…
Says who?
He only looks like that to better help him resist carnal desires.
The soldier should report the dog stolen. The girlfriend didn't own it and therefore can't sell it. The family that has it is now knowingly in possession of stolen property. When the police come and take the dog back, the kids can learn a valuable lesson about not keeping things that don't belong to you.
I see your point, but I interpret it as criticism of the status quo. i.e. it shouldn't be their responsibility, but colleges aren't doing anything to protect women, so women are forced to be super-vigilant. It's not how it should be, but sadly is reflective of how it is.
"Fuck Red Sox Cock!"
It should be more like the NCAA football playoffs. At least that sport does't have ties!
Exactly. That's why everyone around the world loves football so much. Oh... fuck.
...and often in a language I'm not smart enough to understand.
I'm not sure what to do about such a rational resolution of your differences. You do realize this is internet commenting and you're supposed to tell him the Nazis let idiots run on the pitch, right?
That certainly doesn't look like phone video professionally cut and edited by the WSJ. If not for that little detail, you'd make a good point.
That's how you out-Jordan, Jordan. Win 6 rings on 4 or 5 different teams.
I don't think he's arguing that you take away Bill Gates' ownership in his company though. So in this hypothetical world, Bill Gates would still be a billionaire and the richest man in the world for a long stretch. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that hypothetical Bill Gates is okay with this result.
Yeah, but it's different because the right wing doesn't like James Hoffa. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
Yet less than half of what their football coach makes. Which is the tragedy.
Your analysis makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Someone decided it, so it must be right is not an explanation. It's completely fucking circular.
This is what's called a hypothesis. One that's interesting, but not actually proven. The fact that you're so sure of the result doesn't make you smart, it means you require no proof to be sure of your answer. That makes you an idiot.
My god, why would we want that?!?
The point is that CEO compensation is a place where the "mechanism is broken" and bad things are happening. How can you care about this issue so much and also be entirely missing the point that everyone is making? It's not "yay communism!!1!" — it's that CEO compensation is no longer in line with what the market…