MCGARRETT more....

Lets play just the tip.............

Typical American......always avoiding diesel......

Damn you party liquor!!!

Michael Chicklis was not in Fast and Furious?

Its also got the roof cut off, ehhhh, this I can sort of allow if its a car that you take for goofs, my friend had a GTO with most of the roof rusted away that he would bring to shows every once in while just to freak people out with it.

Is this thing still standing?

Ah, the talking car, my bud could make his 300ZX rap by hitting the dash in a certain part....

The Jello was in the suspension and steering.

Good to see I'm not the only one, there is a mild 68-71 Impala vibe in the details.

Oooh, I like that, it works on the Malibu too.

I'll be the first to say, that is a darn good looking sedan. I approve.

I'm not joking....and dont call me Shirley.

Needs moar Bill Hickman

Sexy? 70s'? F1?

Have you ever hung around a gymnasium?

Its true that one of the crew members is ill......slightly ill, but the other pilot is at the controls flying the plane, free to persue a life of religious fulfillment....

They should gradually change it from a new product site to maybe a historical site, let the Oldsmobile Club of America take it over perhaps?

Because its haunted!

It did not answer the question on my mind.....