
"Ooh! A Camera! Quick, do a humorous/salesman's smile pose!"

The proposed go kart track better be 2-3 stories high and more than 2 miles long. If so, I'd be willing to trek from Tennessee to Detroit just for that.

My mom calls her '06 Mini Cooper S "Nellie" after her grandma, I call my '89 Civic "Goris" after my GF that I had before my family moved about 500 miles away.

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Neutral: Would You Buy A Chinese Car? What if it was a lightweight, powerful, RWD hatch?

There is also a diesel, a 3.0 with 240 horsepower and a buttload of torque. And we're getting it.

That Caddy at the top. Now I know where Rockstar got the inspiration for the Police Stinger in GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony.

English is an international language.

Almost everyone's asses after eating Mexican food.

Graphing calculator graphics!

The game you're looking for is NFS: Hot Pursuit (2010? or 2011?)

My reason to take them is because potholes and county road department uses gravel instead of salt brine to de-ice the roads.

Ugh, one of my mortal-enemies in the game Burnout 3.

I love those, there's an 80's cabover (Peterbuilt or International) for sale down the road from me. It's black and red with chrome fenders, it's been sitting for sale for about 3 years now.

That's in GTA V, and it's called the Duneloader. It's one of the best off-roading trucks in the game.

Neutral: What's The Best Infotaintment System? And no, you can't just answer "no infotainment system at all."

Mine, is simple with an interesting story.

White: 21 percent Black: 19 percent Gray: 17 percent Silver: 15 percent Red: 11 percent Blue: 9 percent Natural: 6 percent Green: 2 percent

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They used to have a 100 mph limit, then realized the locals can't drive.