
They ARE incredibly distracting. Are you serious?

That is simply amazing. I'll bet that kid had no clue what kind of trouble he could get himself in.

At first it looks like popcorn... then it goes to cotton candy. DECEPTICON, PILLOW IS DECEPTICON.

Does anyone sense a resemblance to the Geico Caveman!?!

Also, the bathroom is wayyyyyyyyyy overdone. A WINDOW!?!?

It really does look massive inside. Lots of space for tall people.

Old joke is true. They fell off the radar because of the problem towards the early 90's then made a huge comeback in the late 90's with the A4 and A6 - I guess the new models helped distract from the good ol' random acceleration preconception.

NO CHANCE! I have been driving the 2011 TT since May and it has been incredible. Once the turbo kicks in, there's no stopping it.

Found the culprit in today's Wall Street Journal.


BBM down in the US now too... what a great way to wake up. Anyone else have the same issue?


Two Words... F%&k. No.

nom nom

Senna demonstrated this masterfully.

If we want to get technical about it, Ford was never "bailed out." These sneaky bastards are 100% correct in what/how they say it. Shares of the company were bought by the U.S. government through a non-controlling interest purchase. In other words, the government purchased shares of the company to stabilize it

I just don't see the appeal.

If he's motivated enough to get a business card at 10 years old, this kid is going places. He'll be looking at the turbo by the time he's 25.

Agreed! Posted the same earlier.