

See? Now YOU are Bugs Bunny.

You just said it yourself right there - they are meant/supposed to represent some form of animal or another. They are not said animals.

Bugs Bunny is not a bunny. Bugs Bunny is a fictional anthropomorphic character designed to look like a bunny rabbit, with only few actual bunny rabbit traits and customs. A good 99% of what Bugs Bunny does has absolutely nothing to do with what bunny rabbits, fluffy or rough, do. If anything, Bugs Bunny is the fifth

Told you before... this is not the kind of discussion that transcends languages and cultures very well.

Now, THIS is the kind of dark I can get behind! Awesome!

I think what they want us to do is to assess other randoms we meet in strike missions and mingle and hook up with them to eventually try and take on the raid missions together.

I think Bungie's logic is flawed. I'd rather get an occasional disappointment with randoms than having to set up, plan and organize my existing PS4 contacts over half the time zones the world has to offer with sometimes rather flaky internet to boot.

A lot of those 89 missing features are bound to not be added later.

Killing Caesar isn't the hard bit, it's surviving the power-fisted guards right after that's proven to be tricky.

I stopped leaking twice already now. Enough. Logging off now.

So, to burn 8000 calories, I only need to sleep between 100 and 200 hours?

Those are not forks. Those are iWatches. Sheesh, the ignorance!

It was only natural for him to eventually die, years and decades before a large portion of that most diverse audience of his even got halfway through life.

I don't believe in virtual hugs.

I still struggle not to choke up and roll up into the fetal position.


I don't think so. I think it's more along the lines of what nVidia is trying to do with their Shield, and if a device is threatened, it's the PSP/Vita dedicated portables, not the powerhouse linked up to the largest TV in the household.

They also have a wired wireless hub on offer:

So, it's not Ube... Ashcraft to the rescue! Review this thing! Prepare your palate and report!