
I mean billionaires are so fucking rich that they could never even come close to spending their money.  But suggest that some of that money might help the American people obtain heath care and other services and they are clutching at their pearls like a southern belle asked to allow a black person into her home as an

As I said above, they can must say:

Like just yesterday this shit was on CNN

And while Elizabeth Warren uses polysyllabic words while Joe talks like a seventh-grader, she nevertheless serves the interests of LaQuan, and Kristen, and Brent. And that’s why she’s winning.

Yep, this just this.

Thank you!! I agree wholeheartedly with this. Any dirt dems dig up on each other is just more cannon fodder for the repubs to use down the road.

May I give some friendly, well-intentioned advice to all the candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination? SHUT THE FUCKING FUCK UP ABOUT HOW SHITTY ALL YOUR PRIMARY OPPONENTS ARE, AND DO IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.

I don’t think you’re ‘going after a candidate’s kid’ so much as going after a candidate’s hypocrisy.

“But if anyone wants to defend keeping those high profits for insurance companies, and those high profits for drug companies, and not making the top 1 percent pay a fair share in taxes, and not making corporations pay a fair share in taxes, then I think they’re running in the wrong presidential primary.”

1) Double sentences in the last paragraph!

Joe, do you want to know what the most elite thing you can do in America?

I know right. Who else gets a fucking hug and personal bible from the judge as they go off to jail for murder. 

I agree it makes no sense why the judge was hugging her and is very inappropriate. But for the brother that it probably helped him heal even just a little bit by not carrying around hate for her in his heart. I think what is truly wrong with this (besides the senseless and saddening murder) is she should have plead

Okay know if it was your brother or your son...she would’ve shot them too. She’s a white supremacist and you’re a Black woman. 

Jean’s brother is a saint. However, I’m not sure why the judge is hugging this murderer? Wtf? Also, a 10 year sentence is something but it really should have been 28 years. After reading those racist and violent texts she sent, I have no doubt that this woman was looking for a black person to kill. She joked about it

Why is the judge hugging this woman? Why is the bailiff petting her like a puppy? What the fuck is going on with this shit?

I’m sure she will be paroled at her very first hearing. I still can’t get over the picture of her texting her married boyfriend while EMS were trying to save Mr. Jean’s life.

Exactly. Our was planned and it sucked all over. Of course you’d want to keep a planned pregnancy if you could and I worry that women will feel guilty if they think this is real and they could have kept the baby. There’s already enough stigma around methotrexate since the super religious feel it’s abortion. 

Every assault weapon has the right to exist!

So, abortion=Bad. AR15=Good. Got it!