
No, no, I was not painting the South as full of "yes women" but even the "ferocious southern ladies" are not really up on coming out in favor of abortion or gay rights or even women's rights. My point is the majority of women here are on board with the men's repression of them. I have grown up with it and see it every

I went to a Bible study being held at a Southern Baptist's house (I am a closet atheist but she was a friend) and got to listen to how our husbands should lead our houses. HE makes the decisions, HE leads us spiritually, HE is the one to be assisted...I am a known element so more than one pair of eyes flew to me as

Yes, thank you, that's the one.

There's really not that enormous a chasm between slipping someone a drug to knock them unconscious so you can fuck them against their will and physically overpowering an awake person. Forcing sex on somebody is forcing sex on somebody is forcing sex on somebody.

We have some very scary politicians who like to punish women for the actions of men.

If a person does not consent to a sex act, it is rape.

We can't decide anything, including when we do or do not consent to have sex. Only men can decide that for us, I guess.

The definition of rape shouldn't be an issues, because access to abortions shouldn't be an issue. End of story.

these people are cowards. if they are really, truly, morally concerned for the rights of fetuses then how a baby was conceived wouldn't be an issue.

didn't they make their kids kiss the dead fetus goodbye or something super creepy like that?

I'm sorry - is this guy saying that the rape problem on this planet is really just semantics? Definitional rape is the new rape rape is the new legitimate rape? Ugh.

I was just listening to NOR as I drove home. They were reporting on this. As an intellectual, liberal woman, I can not imagine the mental gymnsastics women politicians (okay, female republicans) must do to even consider saying "yes" to some of these proposed legislative measures. Do they know they are agreeing to make

Santorum spoke at the event. The same Santorum whose wife had a non-abortion abortion at 20 weeks because of complications. IOKIYAR.

I knew it, I knew it. Due to the abortion funding bill they introduced, they are going to redefine what rape is to suit their narrative. Ultimately the only thing they will view as rape will be a scary man dragging a virginal woman in to the bushes to have his way with her.

You know what pisses me off? That for oblivious white dudes like Graham, rape is a "definitional" or "intellectual" issue because they can never ever comprehend the fact that for women, rape is a visceral embodied issue and almost every day of our lives, we have to compute a million different ways to protect

I have a definitional problem with conservative, redneck douchebags who insist on puppeteering uteruses.

Silly goose! Women are far too delicate to make such hard decisions for themselves. Now go make me some sweet-tea, darlin', and quit worryin' your pretty lil' head about the men's business.

"I'm going to need your help getting women to shut up about their rapes."

That picture says it all. He's a creepy old man who can't deal with women deciding ANYTHING FOR THEMSELVES. Ugh. Definitional problem. Because women can't be intellectual too!!!