
b-b-ut muh morality

So, it's only for female character models?

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Pack

I know you have a daily quota Kotaku, but...

The problem with Borderlands, 2 and 1, is repetitiveness. There's nothing much going on other than loot and shoot. Given the length of these games, that can become so very tedious. This series has always advertised itself and prided itself on guns, but apart from cool effects and different stats, there's very little


You have to learn from the game.You have to respect the game.

To The Moon.

"Saying this isn't a stealth game is like saying Fallout 3/New Vegas isn't an FPS."

The opposite being true doesn't make this any more ok, we still need to have much more of an influx of female say into the industry. Otherwise a perpetual state of discouragement is placed onto women in terms of the games industry as whole, not just to be a part of it, but to buy into it as a customer as well.

Climbs a little fast, body seemed to move too slowly, I'd expect some sort of tiredness to occur, leading to a jerky animation, not a smooth one.

''First we would like to start out with opposite-sex marriage, and then consider the feedback from our players in order to make a careful decision.''

Recommended headphones?

1) Halo 3. Mainly for the ridiculously fun online aspect. It felt amazing.

this is horrifying

Junk food has been known to cause stomach and bowel cancer for years you fucknut

Yeah, the commentary was a little disappointing.

Being on a console somehow makes you suck more?