
In Canada, our parliamentary system allows us to have minority governments and majority governments. I won't go into detail about how they're elected, but a majority government means that the ruling party does not need to have the support of any members of parliament from opposing parties.

"Finally, now that you seem to have acknowledged that the general interpretation of what those tuition hikes consist of is mostly accurate, I will positively assert my opinion that Quebec students are being a bunch of whiny, spoiled brats in that particular regard."

For anyone that believes this protest is just a bunch of whiny kids complaining that their tuition is increasing, think again.

I didn't read your tirade because you didn't read your comment and you're directing your aggression in the wrong direction.

Thank you Slurpee, I can always count on you.

I'm not trolling, I'm just poking fun at your use of a stupid stereotype by using a stupid stereotype.

Oh come on, at least use something better than a dumb stereotype to back up your statements, you dumb redneck Albertan oil-thirsty Nickelback-loving cowboy.

Did you skip math as well? $325 a year EVERY year. As in your fourth year will cost a grand more than your first year.

Before I reply, please tell me where you're getting this notion that these kids are doing a daily Starbucks run.

Starbucks sipping hipsters? What the hell, why does everyone here seem to think all the protesters are drinking starbucks?

Oh shit. Here comes another flurry of Jalopnik circlejerk commenters complaining about how a sporting event may get disrupted because there's a protest in a country they know nothing about over an issue they can't understand.

The Mansory Porsche Panamera always gets me going

Definitely Breaking Bad. I haven't seen another show that pays as much attention to the cars the characters drive. Every single car gives you loads of character background without any words or any time.

Damn straight.

A fully loaded Dodge Dart R/T will be $22k? But you could get a base ST at that price.

Ahah, the magic words of any and all decisions:

Between the difference in gas mileage, insurance, and the fact that you're comparing a fully kitted Focus ST to a bare Mustang GT, your comparison probably isn't as valid as you think it is.

Hey you!

You can kind of extrapolate from the Titanium pricing.

I'm seriously considering it. I'm going to be in the market for a car within the next year, and the ST ranks near the top of the list of cars to check out.