
What was that? I couldn't hear you over my government-subsidized health care.

Why do all the latest Hyundais look like they have three mouths?

No doubt they'll be offering the 305 hp V6 from the Mustang or the turbocharged 247 I4 from the new Focus ST.

God damn that's a sexy mid-size sedan.

I know nothing about it except that I want to own it. It looks fantastic.

Sorry, that's a rhino's bum.

Oops, my mistake. I mistakenly posted a picture of some elephant bums.

Oh my, just look at those seats!

Okay, but these are questions that the drivers themselves would be asking.

They're not a scam, not all biofuels come from corn, and wind and solar aren't "scams".

Why aren't we seeing greater developments in biofuels? They're renewable, close to carbon neutral, and don't really require any kind of change to the way we drive. Some people argue that we'd be having our food turned into fuel instead of being food, but not all biofuels have to come from food crops.

As the great entrepreneurial poet once said:

Toyota Camry enthusiast forum:

Lotus/Caterham 7 Forum:

"If I had known, I would have treated the situation a little better."

For every moron whining about a war on Christmas, there's another moron who misinterprets cultural symbols of winter as Christianity being forced down their throat.

This is me. These cars are coming out when I'm going to be in the market for a car, and though I'd love to test them both, my choice might come down to what's available when I need a car.

Oh dear...

Sorry, didn't mean to harp on you there. Everyone corrected you while everyone was correcting you.

But the drive shaft is after the gearbox, so its rotational speed is representative of the final output speed, and it's always proportional to the rate the wheels are turning. That means that at 135 mph, the drive shaft is spinning at a rate it was never spinning at before.