This is all meant to be Star Wars? Since when were there Soviets or snowboarders in the Extended Universe?
This is all meant to be Star Wars? Since when were there Soviets or snowboarders in the Extended Universe?
"Friend" is probably the wrong term but I think a close-knit team with social links can really boost camaraderie. Put it this way, after being friendly with my former manager and absolutely loathing my current one, I know I'd rather my manager be my friend than my enemy. I feel more obliged to get things done when I…
I think with a $2bn net worth, he'll live. Why should we, as disapproving gamers, make his life any easier?
I'll be heading to the shopping centre later today for some Christmas presents so I'll poke my head into the theatre to have a look. Despite some reviews, I'm still very excited to see this film. Rare are the days when I agree with a bad review such as this one (read: I probably just have bad taste).
Promote that man! Also, I can't help but feel that Gawker should open up an entire website devoted to the world of cuisine. It seems like LifeHacker, Giz, Kotaku and Gawker itself are all pretty prone to posting articles about food.
-insert Xzibit/Pimp My Ride meme-
I really want to see this 48FPS in action for the sake of curiosity. Is this the standard framerate of it or an optional upgrade like 3D showings?
The other 4 guys pretty much covered everything I'd want to say...
Kotaku is really hating on this motherfucker.
Hello, old friend.
5GHz is off limit for me since it's not nearly as fond of going through materials, which is problematic when you're a student renting the tiniest basement room in a seven-bedroomed Victorian house with extremely thick walls and several different corridors to bounce down. Absolute nightmare.
Well played!
Can't count the amount of times what happened in the pic has happened to me.
Not so intelligent design after all...
"Click to embiggen."
Absolutely true!
That guy in the pic is probably her grandson.
Worked for me. Hooray for stomach ulcers!
I second this.
I agree. I withdraw my statement about him having no superpowers. At the very least, he's gifted as hell. I guess I was just referring to the more obvious powers like... the ability to manipulate metal or run ridiculously fast or shoot laser beams or something. You have proven me wrong, good sir!