
I am curious about this as well. The preview coverage has popped up on a handful of sites, but I can't find anyone talking about what platform it was played on.

Realize as well that it's an imperfect translation from the Polish word Wiedźmin. The Polish have gendered nouns, with Wiedźma, the word for witch being a female noun. Wiedźmin is the word with a male ending and is a made up word in Polish that was created by the author of the books. It's been translated before as

Excellent! I'm all in favor of all of these things. This is the week that really puts Destiny to the test for me. Call of Duty, Shadow of Mordor, and Diablo 3 were not able to stop my Destiny binging, but GTA V, Far Cry 4, and Dragon Age: Inquisition, are taking a crack at it this week.

I found this to be the freshest feeling Call of Duty in a while. The other recent ones (from pretty much Modern Warfare 3 on) have felt almost morose in their campaigns. It's a hard thing to describe but there was more obvious enjoyment in this campaign that there has been in years.

Yeah, this is a new kind of rip-off when it comes to exclusivity. Timed exclusivity is one thing, and I'm ambivalent on that, but at least once it's available you get what you paid for (minus that 'day one' thrill). Here if I'm playing on Xbox One, I'm paying the same and getting less, and that's a new kind of

Yeah, it is definitely a slow-burn game leveling from 20-30. The contrast with Diablo III has been interesting to say the least. In Destiny I'm lucky if a night of playing gives me a couple ascendant shards so I can get another bit to the next level. I played an hour of Diablo III last night and went from level 61

I'm sorry to hear you didn't get enjoyment out of it. I know there are plenty of folks who feel that way, I'm just not one of them. Destiny seems to be a bit of a "Your mileage may vary" game. I've played about 50+ hours now and am on the cusp of level 28. It's never felt like a grind and always felt fun to me.

I definitely remember the version of Halo 2 we were shown vs. the one we got. A bit of a letdown to say the least. I think Bungie just really loves sharing what they're working on, so we see a lot more of the work in progress than they should probably let us. Heck, I know I'm that way when working on something that

That map is awesome.

They'll definitely get my money. I've already gotten more that my $60 out of the base game. Hungry for more.

Or some kid of space station orbiting. A mining facility in the rings would be pretty cool.

I love that Mercury map. It's like a glorious tease.

Oh, I'm aware that the current DLC doesn't include any new planets. I'm just hoping for some down the line. I plan on being in Destiny for a while.

This isn't too surprising, other than that we actually saw a lot of what got cut or changed. From the level of polish on the gameplay in Destiny and the time and money they spent I'm sure they went through a number of ideas and designs that made it to various levels of completion. That's the basic pattern on any

Excellent. I did this with Destiny on the 360/One and it's been good, not from an upgrade standpoint, but to game with my friends who haven't upgraded yet. Once they all upgrade I really have no use for a 360 version.

I think there were far too many people who are used to their being a "quick" way to get what they're after. I put quick in quotes because Destiny definitely takes a very slow burn approach to leveling. They don't dole out much loot, and the most reliable ways to level require actually playing the game and missions

$480 Xbox One Titanfall Bundle

I've been there. Dating while having health issues is draining in ways that are hard to understand. I have an auto-immune disorder (Crohn's Disease - there's been some recent debate on if it should be classified as such, but I'm going to sidestep that), which has waxed and waned from "nearly killing me" to "not on

I spent two hours last night trying to kill Mugkruk Ghast Hunter (or something to that effect). I died about a dozen times in the process, so he was a "legendary" orc by the time I finally caught him away from his attending hoard. He'd started as just one of a mob of orcs that I foolishly tried to take on while low

I've already discovered the "Don't rush into a large group of ranked orcs" rule. I thought "Oh I'm pretty good at the Arkham games and this seems about the same." I got my head crushed.