
For everyone posting that labeling is no problem:

This is super hypocritical, because I think most slut-shamers would consider Chrissy Teigen a "slut." So she should understand better than anyone why that insult is wrong. It's OK for her to make a career out of her body and being sexy, but not anyone else? If she feels positive at all about what she does, and if she

Good point, he probably should have taken the poster down when he realized it was a problem, and not kept it around just to make a point.

The issue is not that breasts are taboo. The issue is the woman's breasts are sexualized in this picture. It's a fair point that maybe breasts should not have the kind of sexual status they do in society, but that is a separate issue altogether. This poster signals women's breasts as sexual objects. Should it?

I don't understand why anyone needs to be paid to do an internship. You can't put a number on the value of educational experiences like filing, spell checking, running errands, and getting yelled at. Really, we should be praising these companies for their generosity in giving interns a 1% chance of a viable future

Lol sorry, the sarcasm wasn't as obvious as I intended. Oh well that's what you get for being a lazy millennial like me :(


You need to realize that your generation is not going to get anything. Yes, maybe you grew up with some nice things that you enjoyed; a house your parents could afford, a decent car, decent health care... But should you want these things for yourselves? No. No other generation cared about these material

OK, here is my opinion on why this is biased. This article turns something that should be about male victims into an article about women's violence against men, like a battle of the sexes. Instead of focusing on general social attitudes about male victims, it makes women the enemy. Of course women commit violence

Oh OK, I see now. It was a good point to bring up, regardless.

I've seen those controversies, too. They are really disturbing. I think that of course all controversial articles on Wikipedia draw people from extremes, but I think that the lack of women is still a unique issue. If you notice, even in feminism-related controversies, most of the feminists participating are actually

Sure. The articles that have anti-women perspectives tend to be the ones that are women-related but are mostly outside of the scope of Wikiproject Feminism or are too small to get their attention, and instead get antifeminist or misogynist squatters.

I used to be a Wikipedia editor but I quit because people were so hostile to me. Wikipedia editors pay a lot of lip service to "how to fix the lack of women issue" but when it comes down to it they won't defend female editors from the massive hostility they face on the site. Editors will hide behind barely disguised

Are eggshells actually dirty? Should I be more worried about getting them in my eggs?

Feminists who pay taxes to the US government don't usually try to argue that the US should be absolved from criticism. In fact, feminists usually are critical of the US government and how it spends public money, and they call for major changes and replacements in it.

I respect Muslim Feminists and I think they do a lot of good work. However, I disagree with them that Islam is a positive religion for women or gender equality. I disagree with them that religious cultures that instruct women on how to dress or behave have a place in what feminism is trying to achieve. Islam (along

OK that makes sense now. Yeah I'm puzzled by that reaction, too. On one hand I can see why they would care if it's an important part of their identity. But on the other hand, I don't know if it's a good idea for people to put so much of their self-worth in their marital status.

I may have misunderstood, sorry. I thought you were you were saying that you were getting blowback because you were trying to standardize your use of "Ms." for all women, regardless of the title that they used for themselves.

"Ms." is supposed to be a default title, you're not supposed to use it in place of any woman's preferred title. If a woman tells you she prefers to go by the title "Dr." then you use that title, you don't standardize just for the sake of uniformity.

Millennials need to stop complaining about not having jobs. Who needs jobs? It's just self-absorbed to want to have a chance at making a decent living in a fulfilling career. So what if millennials have record numbers of homeless people? They need to stop being so entitled, wanting to have a roof over their heads.

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