
I'm going to emphatically disagree with running 1/2 PVC for air lines, unless you're talking about PVC hose.

I hate to say it, but watch popular television. It'll be the best example of natural dialog. Of course, talking to friends and asking them to correct you should work even better. As long as that doesn't get to taxing on either of you.

Is there any way to search for what you want? i.e. I want a chromecast. How can I find who's going to have it on sale and for how much, other than reading every BFA out there?

I'm sure it's not just R&D, but the facilities, labor, tooling, business services, etc..

You're making a right turn onto a busy street. You've been waiting for a good 40 seconds, and that seems like 5 minutes as you're trying to get to work on time. There's a gap. You can make it if you just use a little more throttle than normal, not outlandish, but say 50%. The gap comes, you hit the throttle. Halfway

It's there.. click more, under adverbs:

I'm going to have to agree with the others. Don't have children if you think that's what you need to improve your mental state.

I have a lotus Exige. I can't imagine selling it ever. Maybe when I'm richer, or something as awesome and "cheap" as it comes out that I want more. I also have a LS400. Again, I'll own it until something better comes along, but there's a lot out there that's better than the LS.

Yes, I will judge through my thorough, comprehensive, and objective trials. And you judge through your singular experience. I didn't say it was incorrect. I only wagered that it wasn't thorough, comprehensive, or objective.

I'm not the one whose confused, I was only clarifying TheGreatGooglyMooglys post and how Melanie seemed to have missed it.

Yeah, I bet you didn't use a scientific method to come to this conclusion.

I had steaks last night, too. I always flip twice (thrice really), but last night I kept the lid down more and they were the best steaks I've ever cooked.

I think he/she is trying point out that Lifehacker is giving out conflicting information. Yes, you and the other writer are individuals. And yes, you're only relaying information found in other places, but it is conflicting information coming from the same "source".

Because I now know that you have a file with all your passwords in it. Maybe you keep it on a usb drive, or google drive, or have a backup on your c drive. I can find you, monitor how you use your computer, and find that file. Giving someone hints on how you secure your stuff only allows them to focus on how to get it.

For security reasons I won't divulge if I use a password manager or not. But, for most sights, what's the point? Only my online banking could cause me damage, and still what are they going to do? Setup a new Payee and send a check to themselves? I'd get alerted about that. Buy something on Amazon, or Ebay?

I've always said that certs can get you an interview, but only personality and experience can get you the job. I think certs are important for the resume, but not for the job, and I have a lot of certs, including a CCIE.

Yeah, I'm going to disagree with Smart=Frugal. Yes, overspending is not smart. But if you can live within your mean, and you have the means to buy large, what's "not smart" about that?

I once kept track of my spending.. I found that I blow a lot of money on stupid stuff and sushi. I know I'm in a really fortunate situation in that I can pay all my bills, save, and have plenty left over. But, I know others who make just as much as me and can't do that. To each; their own.

I don't budget because I live under my means. I've reduced my encumberances to small percentage of my income. I save a lot. I blow the rest on stupid stuff and sushi.

Reminds me of Stewie