
I love breasts. Like, super love them.

I once wrote something that randomly opened and closed CD drives and put it on over 30 computers, that upset one or two people.

The is the silliest thing I read ever. Let's make copper more expensive so nobody can afford it!...

an, ahem, unboxing video would be nice

You obviously don't even know what a Libertarian actually is. Many of us think taxes and some instances of regulation are necessary. Our main goal is for government to cut on cluttering bureaucracy, unnecessary spending, and compromising foreign debt.

I have never heard even one libertarian say, we as a society, do

I remember all those T-72's that where going to do so much damage in Iraq until someone said hey...


Exactly. Palo Alto is simply reminding me why I never want to live there. This is right after they passed a law banning homeless people from sleeping in their car. It's a city filled with rich people, and these regulations just help to raise property prices even further to make sure poor people stay away. California

Tom Clancy was my Harry Potter. The Hunt for Red October got me into reading novels and I have been an avid reader since then. He will be missed. First Michael Crichton, then Vince Flynn this summer, and now Tom Clancy. The world has become a poorer place.

Another example of government overstepping their bounds. Who are they to "require" this in new homes? This isn't like requiring ground fault outlets in bathrooms to protect people, this is something altogether different and in 9 out of 10 homes probably won't be used.

"Open minded people"? Excuse me while I choke on irony. It's full of liberals, you're the least open minded, intolerant bigots on earth. Ffs, you are what you are, don't insult our intellegence by pretending you give a damn about other points of view.

Reader's guide for non-gun people: the term point blank refers to the range at which a directly-aimed shot will hit its intended target; that is, without deflecting the barrel upward or downward to account for bullet loft or drop. The specific range depends on the gun, ammunition and the size of the target. For a

All due respect, these views are not at all frightening. There is absolutely no danger to you if you see these in this perspective as they are portrayed. However, if there is a hand wrapped around the grip and a finger on or near the trigger, then there is much to fear. Guns CANNOT harm anyone without the aid of a

Just so we're all clear, this is what one looks like when you're using it to defend yourself against deadly attack.

Second to last is a Rhino by Chiappa. For those who were wondering. They are awesome to shoot. The barrel is in line with the lowest chamber of the cylinder which greatly reduces flip as the recoil moves rearward more than up. Their 2" barreled version is a great CCW.

I saw the movie tonight. I thought the acting throughout was good. I was attentive and entertained but not greatly enough to recommend the movie. One friend who is in the movie said he didn't want to watch fiction so he wasn't interested in seeing it. I suspect a lot of what was wrong with the film came from Ashton's

The previous administration ran on a platform of heavy handed national security. This one ran on a platform of ending the domestic spying. Thus the hypocrisy is greater. Don't get me wrong, not a fan of Bush and I am not defending him. But when running in 2004, everyone knew he was all gung ho with the Patriot Act,

I have 2 degrees and have worked in Universities for 8 years, and will tell you that it is infact "seething" with liberalism. The beliefs of the instructors is of little consequence to me, teaching open mindedness and thought provoking ideas should be what they do. The "seething" is in the slant of the subject matter

Add-on: ....withouth massive work-arounds and/or shady activities.