Android@Home 2.0 Nest
Android@Home 2.0 Nest
Google took a stab at smart devices in the house w/ Android@Home a few years ago and it kind of fizzled out. Nest on the other hand has establish a viable foothold in that space. Lesson: If at first you don't succeed buy someone how has and build on that success.
You sure these where Geophysicists? Sounds more like Computer Scientists.
I'm a firm believer in a strong 4th amendment and limitations on government, but I actually think it's a good thing that when there is a valid, court reviewed and warrant issued reason to track someone that technology helps reduce the number of tax dollars it'll take to do it.
So take a shotgun out there and start practicing how you'd deal with the alien infestation.
It was kinda like watching a Jobs keynote if he'd "gone the other way" during the sixties.
Right, because it's only fair if the "hell bent on destruction" group has the same military capabilities as the "just leave us alone" group.
So what?
Actually the chain shot would be more analogous to a modern day shotgun bolo round. These are similar in concept, but different enough in both design and intended function that I would call them the same thing.
The plus side to hollow point and other bullet designs that "easily expand or change their form" is that they unload all of their energy on that initial impact. This make them much better for law enforcement since the odds of missed shots penetrating walls and lethally impacting innocent bystanders is greatly reduced.
No way these things are accurate at range, but for close quarters they could be practical. Still seems kinda gimicky to me though. If I could pick some up for a reasonable price I would just to try them out, kinda doubt I'd ever carry any though.
Sort of, this particular cat does suffer from several genetic defects but still lives a reasonably normal and happy kitty life with it's owner.
Problem with these kind of statistics is that while true, the conclusions people draw from them are usually wrong. People w/ a bachelors make X more than people w/o one. True. Therefore Obama and other politicians come out and try and win votes by saying they'll make sure everyone can go to college and make more…
Well, when you think about it, here in the US anyway, counties represent the smallest geographical/political form of division. The nation is divided into states, states into counties. Counties contain cities/townships, but aren't necessarily divided up by them (aka there is space where there is no city/township). …
"Most of the time we're barely aware of what county we're in."
Fight it all you want internet, but you know you love the kitties.
Actually, all it took was a simple Google search. No great secret here. Oh, and it's probably not accidental that it wasn't until years later and after Jobs passing that we found out his original prototype demo'd to the world barely worked even following a specific script.
Wait long enough and graffiti becomes a historical monument.
What you have to understand is that space travel is a dream, within a dream, within yet another dream.
If you're at a FOB and you've got an awesome airdrop crew some of the most precious cargo is the ice cream sandwiches the crew stole from the base DFAC and shoved into the cargo before delivering it.