
Sure. In a live action movie you lose that. My whole point. An actor is white, or black, or asian, or whatever. A drawn character, not always, but sometimes, loses that racial distinctiveness. So one person might think he's light skinned black guy, and another thinks he's a tan white guy, and yet another thinks

It could have been worse.

I was not trying to imply that Caucasian is the "default human". Nor was I trying to "fix" racism. Simply trying to point out how racially agnostic characters can positively impact a narrative, as it allows the audience, any audience, to identify with the characters.

While I may hate Apple as a general rule, I'm going to have to side with them on this one as long as the accusation is simply "tax avoiders". If they did something illegal, that's one thing. But if they're only guilty of is being smart with they're money to avoid paying more taxes than they have to, then I guess

Animation has often blurred the racial lines a little in my opinion, which isn't a bad thing. For example, everyone got upset when they cast a white kid to play the Avatar in the last Airbender. In my opinion, the cartoon character always looked more white than anything else (If I had to define him, I'd say

"That's the problem with releasing the plans"

Guys, when are you going to get it thru your head that glass is still just an experiment. One with a ton of potential, and likely to come to the market at some point, but still just an experimental prototype. Google, and it's many developers/contributors, are still trying to figure out the what's and how's with this


I don't think I'd call it absurd. Strange maybe. After all, technically, the test was a success. Sounds to me like the bats proved quite effective and burning down military hardware.

Back Button - Seriously, take away my back button and I'll take your head. I've always found it fairly intuitive and handy. It is the thing that makes Android easy to use, and the lack of it is why I've always been almost immediately frustrated when I pick up an iOS device. As for apps w/ a duplicate back built

I got sugar cookies for lvl 2. Must be random.

That was cool

It's the "top quality" bit that I question. My understanding is that she did receive medical attention in the UK, but when it came to the physical rehabilitation that she needed to walk on it again the UK system (they lived somewhere in London I believe) fell short. It's also possible that timing played an issue

"benefit of national healthcare"

"Other than nuclear weapons..."

I'm sure many people would have said the same about the German government after Hitler was elected.

Actually, there are a fair number of jet fighters, tanks, ect in private hands. It's fairly uncommon simply because a) militaries often destroy there toys when they're done using them and b) they're damn expensive to operate, even just to drive around a little, why do u think the defense budget is so high :)

At what point does the conversation change from "we have a right to own guns" to "we have to do what we can to reduce harm caused by guns"?

I'm not familiar with Georgia gun laws, so I'll just take your word that the rules there are very lax. I still don't think it matters. Fact is the whole "Gun Show Loophole" is a red herring of the gun control lobby. Only 2% of guns used in crimes come from gun shows (DOJ statistic, article ref link below). Even if

Not sure that argument is going to fly very far with the gun-control crowd, since their usual response to someone breaking a bunch of laws and hurting/killing people is to create more laws so they can be ignored by criminals as well.