
Well that's why I did mention what I have done. If you honestly believe that being waitstaff is harder physically, mentally, and emotionally then being an EMT let me know, and I'll shut right up. If you don't, then your post here is worthless.

I have never known a single server that actually succeeded in getting their employer to make up the difference. Not one.

So, I have an issue with Pinkham, and most of you commenters who are pro-tipping. I'm not trying to start an argument, but it is astounding how many people just accept this outdated custom. If you haven't noticed I agree with Bartlett, although I do tip, but not because I care about the worker, I don't, it's a hostage

There was a scandal here in the UK some years ago when it came out that credit card tips at certain restaurants were being used to top up staff salaries to the minimum wage. People were horrified at the idea that tips weren't 'additional' but being used as basic salary. I'm horrified that this is your normal.

so much false information

Being the boyfriend instead of the father, he comes off as creepy and controlling instead of protective.

As the managing attorney for the beardy in the lead photo, I wish to point out that my client has had no association with any "Squad" in the past, nor does he maintain one at this time.

That he is a lizard should be self-evident—but my client maintains that he does not now, nor has he ever been able to operate a

*spoilers for SotC below*




...except the horse doesn't actually die. Watch the epilogue content that follows the credits.

I see a couple of other posters beat me to this; glad there are other SotC fans out there that paid attention. ;)

Sure somebody else mentioned this - but the horse (Agro) doesn't actually die in Shadow Of The Colossus.

The horse doesn't die, he appears at the end limping.

Must, must, must add Save The Date to the list. It's an American-made visual novel with a crazy meta twist. Super well-written and heart-wrenching too. Oh, and it's free. One of my favorite games of 2013. Check it out.

That's an awful lot of hyperbole, don't you think? If the party's getting killed by a 12 AC, 2 HP, +0 to hit, 1 damage house cat then the party (or the DM) is doing something very, very wrong. Especially when your average fighter (and many clerics) are averaging an 18 AC at 1st level.

I get it: people hate WotC like

What, there can't be straight characters too?

No matter how ridiculously campy it was, no matter how little sense the destruction made, no matter how annoying some escort missions were, and no matter how hilariously simplistic the story was, Mercenaries 2 will always be one of my guilty pleasure games.

I thought Heavy Rain was incredible... Come take my 'real gamerz' card away.

It was an AMAZING story. It just had a total shit ending. The other 99.? percent is still amazing.

L. A. Noire is what comes to mind instantly for me. I don't keep it secret that I like it a lot, but nevertheless, it's something disliked a lot by a lot of people. I feel that a significant amount of these people went into it expecting action and were disappointed by the relative lack of it, though.

I love Neopets. There I said it. I love the atmosphere, the plethora of games, the events.

I loved the whole series, even the original ending. Yes, the ending needed work, but it was still a great story in my opinion.

Lady Stoneheart is a dumb story line, I don't know why people are so obsessed with her.