
Now that's much better, you are however still falling into the hole of assuming too much due to a poorly backed-up opinion and your pitiful attempt at sarcasm does you no favours.

I'm surprised no-one's talking about the quote from Mike Kennedy:

If you're going to attempt a rebuttal at least give it some substance.

That's understandable but if you ever do get the chance check it out. It might surprise you.

Well I've been plugging it mercilessly whenever I can.

If there was they'd need to adjust the mechanics a bit to allow for diving the hell out of there.

The only one I can really disagree with you there is the atmosphere. Did you try the demo? It's probably the best way to experience it for yourself.

I guess my experiences have been different then. For me having a partner in the game that could independently think and react without complicated AI always improved the game.

Wait have you played the game already?

Seriously, if you haven't already go and play I Am Alive. It lacks polish but it does give you that feeling of desperateness when you're faced with a group of enemies and all you have to defend yourself is a machete and an empty pistol.

I kinda want to play a game like that where you are the Dog and you have a master telling you to do stuff.

When has Co-op ever ruined games?

At this rate that sort of survival game might become the next big thing.

I Am Alive is excellent value and I highly reccommend it.

Adding to your spoilers.


Because, perhaps, the game is actually fun?

Cheers my friend and here's to you!

So wait, you're complaining that they're not copying Smash Bros. with the knock-off-the-stage mechanic?

I like Sansa's character as it's probably the most believable. She's easily the most flawed of the Starks despite appearing the most flawless. I feel like she grew better in the later books and I'm excited to see what she does in the next books - I can't see her staying where she is for much longer.