Realize that you are a)talking about cancer b) breast cancer research is the most well funded by a pretty wide margin. All the cancers deserve as much money as they can get thrown at them but your complaint seems a little insensitive to me.
Realize that you are a)talking about cancer b) breast cancer research is the most well funded by a pretty wide margin. All the cancers deserve as much money as they can get thrown at them but your complaint seems a little insensitive to me.
Book 5 was more of a daily document of what color tokar dany was wearing on any given day, and what kind of weird fried insect she was eating.
Do it, I just did and did not regret it
Well shit dude...onions is kind of tough. Its a basic ingredient in a lot of things, ya know?
And I am chuckling at the internal image of an ant christ :)
Lol what a jerk. because we OBVIOUSLY have time to make a special meal from scratch in the middle of service.
They could do a show about Sulu as Captain of the Excelsior. John Cho has done tv before. If they want to keep things in the JJ universe, it would be a savvy move I think.
I actually like AFFC. To me, its ADWD that is awkward and is the weakest of the series. Soooooo many chapters about what color tokar Dany is wearing that day, and what she is eating, while sitting around in Mereen. Its got the single worst character ever written on a page, penny the friggin' dwarf, too much Cersei…
Oh man...David Eddings....I wore the shit out of my copies of the Belgariad and the Mallorean.
Give Exiles another chance, its pretty good as the series goes on.
i like Morgan Freeman, but an out of touch rich guy is not who I'm going to for opinions on racism in America.
I doubt the US govt would allow private ownership of those nuclear reactors.
Mirab, her sails unfurled.
Dude, what have you done except write some comments on IO9?
Sure, lets guide whats basically a malfunctioning bomb safely gently down to earcht
Lol, like Tear Gas. Shits fucked up.
Hah, I play STO too. I think its pretty fun, kitting out your ship is always a good time and I think the space battles are pretty well done. It is ALOT of grinding though. Fortunately we are due for a level cap increase in a few months.
Games like what? Jagged Alliance?
does anyone actually believe batman is real? Does anyone over the age of eight believe Santa clause is real? No matter what "realness" we give these things we know they are fiction. Il
House of Cards does a great job with this.