
Hmm, Ill admit that sitting next to a fat person is not my first choice. I mean, Ill take it over sitting next to kids but its uncomfortable. I think Ms. West is understating how many people are responsible for their overweightness, a good amount have medical issues but I'd say a lot of it is self inflicted either

You dont have to put him through a trial though. Arrest the kid, determine his mental health, if he's just a loudmouth pussy scare him straight and let him go. If he's got mental health issues get him the help he needs. How does an expensive tax payer funded trial help anything?

No its not more complicated than that. Its a prosecutor who wants to make a name for himself by throwing the book at a kid. They should've arrested him and once they found out the kid was a loudmouthed pussy, scared him straight and let him go. Now taxpayers are going to fund a trial over something some kid said on

Look, they shouldve arrested the kid, scared him straight and let him go. This is ridiculous. This is tax payer money being spent on this schadenfreude.

Yeah this comment section is sucking. We need MORE games like these. Mount and Blade is another good one, the original game is based off a fictional world but theres no magic and theres mods for medieval Europe. You learn a lot about history playing these kinds of games, Im looking forward to the day when curriculum's

Reminds me of Mount and Blade, a pretty awesome game set in a realistic medieval world. That was open world too and pretty damn awesome. If this game can take that gameplay and deliver crysis like graphics, I will be sold. Mount and Blade 2 is in development too but Im not sure what the new graphics look like.

Neither. I bought a PS3 for its rich library of games and its awesome media capabilities, not to mention its reasonable price point. Ill probably answer PS4 on this poll a couple of years from now.

Because thats how Xbox people are, they just don't listen.

This is a weird thing to be upset about.

You're shitting on a guy going out and making entertaining reviews of cars. I challenge you to take time out of your schedule to shoot and edit a video, Im sure you'll find it harder than you think. Also, most people aren't funny and based off of the extremely limited evidence provided, you definitely are not, so

Wow, hadn't noticed how advertising laden this sites become until that obnoxious video ad popped up.

You won't because you're lazy and don't have the humor or charm to make people want to watch it.

That is exactly what they are. Cool fun cars to drive that are relatively rare and won't get you unwanted attention,after all its just a Toyota ;) I very much enjoy the sleeper quality to it. The Matrix XRS from the same year is a cool car too, I was actually looking for that one first before I found the Corolla. I'd

My 2005 corolla XRS. Before it I had a Dakota truck that had just plain died on me and was not worth repairing. Before THAT I had a mid 90s ranger with loads of electrical issues.

Veggies ,turkey gizzards,stock and wine. Then when turkey is finished buzz all that goodness up and you got gravy, son!

Hey pal, you'll be fine. I make smoked turkey breasts everyday for my BBQ restaurant, here are some tips.

1000x yes. Butter is the secret ingredient to juicy, crispy skin turkey.

This is what you do my friend. Butter. Lots of butter under the skin all over the turkey. That and frequent basting from the liquid in the roasting pan which should be filled with stock, wine and veggies to make gravy with afterwards. No brining necessary, it doesn't hurt but in my extensive thanksgiving experience

I always wait for the inevitable slim version. They've usually come down a bit in price then and bugs are mostly sorted out.

Just got an XRS, love the sound of that engine.