
He's also an idiot at times. Even fans have to admit that.

I don't think anybody can call Carolla a "thinking man". He can be insightful sometimes, and certainly funny but he can put his foot in his mouth in big stupid ways with a lot of the dumb stuff he says about gay people and women.

You could not be more wrong. You could set up an observer game and watch Poland take over the world, or France be utterly destroyed in the year 900. CK2 is one of the most engrossing games ever made.

Thats a terrible excuse "CA always releases half assed, poorly debugged games they expect us to buy and then they'll get around to fixing it maybe a few months down the road." You can't reward that type of behavior.

This might be the most boring game Ive ever played and I love turn based strategy. Whenever Im having a sleepless night I just fire up Rome II and soon enough ill be sawing logs.

I appreciate the sentiment but I wouldnt want to draw negative attention to my restaurant.

Yes, if you advertise with them they filter the bad reviews. if you refuse to advertise with them they filter the good reviews.

A thousand times yes.

The answer is nothing. Yelp is such a bullshit website.

As a chef, Yelp absolutely drives me up the wall. Our place has four stars but its amazing how a bad yelp review, no matter how misguided can ruin everyones mood. Personally, I think its useless. Ive seen reviews of people heaping praise on the food and the ambiance and leave 2 stars because they didn't like their

Not all things, just most things.

So...pretty much the same gameplay as every other MMO. Pass. This is why losers like me play uncharted waters online. At least its different!

Really? This really worked?

Interesting..its just crazy enough to work.

What you don't realize is that theres already harsh penalties for being financially irresponsible, more than you could inflict in your entitled rage. Look dude, how do you separate the truly devious from the simply unlucky? Do you shame someone equally because they a series of problems that led them to financial ruin?

How would you shame someone for their financial mistakes? Give me an an example. Run them out of town? make them pariahs? What is wrong with you people? If "we" as a society are concerned with having to pick up the burden for others mistakes then maybe you should get some like minded folk together and lobby your

The good old days? What days were those? Are you talking about when we used to segregate races? When women were essentially second class citizens? No, my friend, those were the bad old days and your method, shame, would not achieve your desired result. It would end in prejudice from the shamers and resentment from the

Shame would be a powerful motivator if anyone gave a shit about your opinion. Since when has shame worked? You find no fault with the system in place, that actively encourages bad financial decisions? God, you must be unbearable in real life.

The 10 gbs will show up in a few weeks as per the original article.

I have a GS3, which is my first Android phone after making the jump from iOS and an iphone 4. The phone doesn't come close to matching the build quality of the iphone though OS wise I have to go with Android. I recently rooted my phone and just being able to update to the latest version of android has made me fall in