
Only worth if you find it 50% on sale. Its nothing like Mount and Blade. I feel M&Bs controls were better applied. Personally, I didn't like the game.

Its all good man. Demo was short, but sweet. Like demos should be.

Are you implying that different people have different opinions on things? Ridiculous.

All decent points but I think at some point, maybe the season finale, we will get the Captain going past the point of no return and doing something you can't come back from.

Its nonetheless true. Power comes from everyone in society agreeing that a particular person has authority for whatever reason be it a monopoly over violence, faith or money.

Haha, yea thats what he meant.

Im kind of worried about Robert Patricks role here. I would've liked to have seen him maybe receive a secret message from the government and organize a counter mutiny. Now they can't trust him, he's going to just remain in jail the rest of the season? Thats a waste of a perfectly fine Robert Patrick! Then again his

Adrenalin man. She was JUST about to have a knife shoved in her throat before navy seal guy sniped the spetsnaz.

In case you weren't being sarcastic, Robert Patrick was the liquid metal terminator in terminator 2 and he's the Chief thats locked up in the brig in this show.

Pffft, my dell xps cost less than a thousand and I havent come across a game that slows it down yet.

Disagree. As a pro cook what I do is I give it a quick circular motion to loosen the pans grip on the omelet then give it the ol' forwards then backwards. Works every time and I make omelets every day.

See, you're probably right I just need to play as him more.

HAHAHAHA WOW. Im laughing at the irony of a 12 year old who can't spell calling me retarded. Its an opinion, big guy, you're welcome to have a different one. I found the game repetitive which, beta (haha bata) or not, will remain true. I played it the other day now that its released and I stand by my OPINION. That

Really? Im digging the siren. Phaselock is probably the single most useful ability.And the gunzerker is a powerhouse if you play him right. Little underwhelmed by Zero but maybe im not using him right.

"childish" thing like being concerned about how you look to other people while enjoying something "childish"

Xstar= bad joke

I think the pandas are dumb but the quote is not contradictory. Its basically saying its childish in itself to care about "childish" things.

Because moderately famous poets and artist/photographers have SOOO much sway over hollywood. Get out of here with that weak shit. She'son TV because she somehow managed to impress Judd Apatow, her parents figure at best peripherally into the situation. So many other examples of nepotism nobody makes a big deal about

multiplayer medieval Call of duty is a good way to describe it. I went into it hoping for MB with better graphics and was sorely disappointed.