I know...CRAZY right?
I know...CRAZY right?
You can bet that the Olympic village will be surrounded by pretty much the entirety of Brazils military and police force. Brazil is the quickly becoming a superpower in the region if not the world, Im sure they are going to do everything to make sure the athletes are safe.
Kids got to get to space camp somehow!Also, divorced parents that live on opposite ends/other countries
whats wrong with having two gay dads and a bio-mom?
So....the Mormons are actually ahead of the curve here?
Yeah, I'd like to think that were the case too but no....their god said being gay was bad so thats why they hate it.
Jetblue flight 892 out of SDQ... Random example or you in Santo Domingo, Biddle?
Yes but its less accusatory to ask an adult sitting next to an adult to move than it is to ask an adult sitting next to a child.
So noted.
I live in the Dominican Republic when Im not stateside and Ive never heard that term used. We can do better than that, gang.
I dont understand why airlines cant figure out where to sit a child appropriately before the flight boards or task attendants with keeping an eye on them, or ask the child to switch seats. Easy solutions for an easy problem.
I agree but makin illegal for kids to fly is not a solution. There are so many stupid easy solutions to this problem Im amazed its an issue. Ask the kid to switch seats, have special underage seating section, task the attendant to keep an eye on the child..
Have the kid switch seats. Seems like a duh way to do it for me. I would be offended if it happened to me. Id probably say something like " i paid for this seat, why should I have to move? You think Im a child molester? Lady, are you crazy?!?" and then Id get tazed by the air marshal.
Ifill is dead to me the moment she let Palin run roughshod all over the vice presidential debates.
"The Fetus between us"
Yup, Ghost in the Shell is the best future. Can't wait for my cybernetic brain.
You are focusing now on the "word play" aspect of the phrase "cause for celebration". Everybody got the joke, poor as it was.
It wouldve also made sense to get a proper warrant which they didnt have. The case against Dotcom is a mess and will probably get thrown out of court.
No need to yell man, relax.
Nobody is freaking out. You made a claim that was incorrect and I corrected you.In fact, you defined "validation" pretty nicely in your second sentence!