
So glad to hear this is looking good. I've played a lot of XCOM copycats and they're all lacking a certain je ne sais qoui. Lately I've been playing the Jagged Alliance remake, Back in Action and thats pretty good after a few mods are added but lacks the strategy element that XCOM does so well. Can't wait for this one!

Hah! that was great. I forgot that for any given situation there is always a pertinent xckd.

I intend to be that man.

We need more of you guys!

Earth can also mean the soil or ground beneath our feet. I always took the word earthquake to mean "Help! the ground is shaking!" not so much "Help! planet earth is shaking!". I guess you could look at it either way.

Damnit Florida. I try to defend you but you make it so hard!

You just described a Kardashian.

I was confused by that too...hasn't Queen always featured Brian May??

How is it a faux hawk? the sides of his head are shaved. Honestly curious if there are further requirements to qualify as a mohawk.

Don't be such a killjoy, making scientists and engineers popular is a good thing. Should we be talking about Kardashians instead?

Hah, cute and I know he/she was being funny but we don't call them earthquakes because they happen on planet earth. Yes, I am that guy, pleased to meet you.

I was searching through the comments to check if there was an "Ann's very pretty" comment before I made one. I too think she's gorgeous.

Lifehacker is pretty good, and I like io9 a lot. Honestly, I think its just Gawker itself that has become garbage.

Can't wait till the day these acronym cartels are made obsolete by their refusal to adapt to the times.

Its Gawker media-wide. The theory being they can easily get thousands of views from simply linking to another article. Its kind of a cheap way to get views but this company obviously values getting views over creating quality content. Gawker itself is a hot mess, Giz is probably the best blog on the network.

and you are not the comment police, be quiet.

What?!? Yes, Kim was prepared for a home invasion, so why invade his home?? If they would've sent a couple cops over, knocked on the front door and told him he was under arrest do you think Kim would've slaughtered those cops? NO, because Kim is a legitimate business man and doing something crazy like that would put

How do you figure that? He was providing a legitimate service.

That made me laugh, thank you.