
Tru dat, the Portuguese were big dawgs back then.

Cool, I don't mind colonization is a great game. Henceforth we shall gather on the fourth of every july and discuss its greatness.

Wait, what? This is exactly the same article as last years? is that one of your foreign traditions?

You know, there might be a certain age that exists that is old enough to converse coherently with adults but also too young to have known the HD-DVD.

Arcanum, what a great great game. Very buggy like you said but cool! Many fond memories of my dwarf engineer/gunslinger, Gwar. Also, the music was awesome!

I was more talking about the older people that rely on it for their regular health care

What about the possibility of a Socialist revival in Europe? I can definitely see a classist struggle in immigrant heavy european countries like Spain, France, Greece and Italy. That t could split the EU though Europe is a lot more tolerant of the S-word. Middle East could go either way, even the populist movement in

You're going to get a lot of people posting things unrelated to a discussion simply because its featured and will be seen. No one wants to click 30x to read what everyone has to say. I agree that an optional view all mode would fix that. Whats wrong with more options?

I live in the Dominican Republic and Blackberry phones are definitely very popular here. Its pretty much the phone of choice on the island because of the BBM,which serves as a defacto social service. I doubt smaller markets like us can sustain RIM but if they restructured their business they definitely have a fan base

I've read elsewhere that you get a pet armored troll. Take from that what you will.

This is the best fanfiction I've ever read. He should get an award!

you can just play on after youve met victory conditions or if your only victory condition is "Defeat all Opponents" well then...he really hasn't done that yet.

Oh lord, your smug douchery is giving me spastic eye rolls. I believe ive stated several times that not every person in the military is a hero. Any large group of people is going to have saints and shitheads. Not everyone in the military is paid to get shot at, some build roads, schools and hospitals with the

Longtime lurker around these parts, thanks for the welcome. Positive Peoples Unite

Ok, I get it now, you're one of those people who has no idea what they're talking about, aren't you? Im really not sure what point you're trying to make with that statement, this is a millionaires economy and the rich are doing better than ever. Its the poor and middle class who suffer during this recession and its

Man...wow.You make some rather large assumptions.

She's pretty much a professional host having hosted dating shows, talk soup, is on the view etc. Some people didn't like her, I did but Im sure her hiring was based off "She's on Archer, she's hosted shows a billion times before so she won't fuck this up, she's cute and she's a gamer" sounds like a no brainer to me.

its a video game conference filled with sweaty dudes and "booth babes". You were saying something about class? If you didn't like her thats fine, humor is subjective but lets not pretend E3 is the goddamned Opera.

So....because she's a celebrity she's not allowed to have hobbies or passions? she likes videogames a lot and thought this would be awesome. Wouldn't you in the same position? Im about to demote the -un- from your name because you, mon ami, are a hater.

innocuous yes but detrimental, why? I don't subscribe to the "every soldier,sailor,airman and marine is a superhero" mentality but by large they are upstanding members of society