
Its not just about cars and its not just about America. Also, US energy is mostly produced with fossil fuel (petroleum, gas and coal). The article was not very well written but the central point remains true- We will not worry about the ramifications of our energy policies until we're sitting in the dark. The fact

First of all its a great album. Secondly, its a very sci fi-ey futuristic sounding album which you could easily associate with the loose category of "technology". Third, this is filed under "Soundtrack" as in what the author enjoys listening to, no tech relevance needed though in this case it more than fits in with

I stand humbly corrected, it was an error of ignorance and thank you for pointing it out. I stand by my point however because although they are not Arabs, they are Muslim and rather opposed to Israel ever since Khomeini called for them to be wiped off the map. They actually have a rather interesting history of

I live in the Dominican Republic and its been a long time since I've seen such a beautiful crystalized red head like the one above. Alls I have access to here is shitty brick weed only fit for baking or the rare desperate GB. I hear the cokes great though! Not that I'd know.

Oh please. First, the only countries with land based ICBMS are the US, Russia and China. Something majorly fucked up would have to occur to get those two countries to launch at us. Second, the day Iran gets feasibly close to a working nuclear missile will be the day you read about a massive Israeli air strike against

I understand and I appreciate your attitude. Also, my second favourite is a no brand Thai cooks knife with a cheap wooden handle that cost me less than five dollars at a restaurant supply store. As long as you keep them sharp, which is an area most people fail at, even the cheapest knife will do its duty.

Ill admit that I have a toaster oven. Im currently living at the hotel I work at and dont have a proper kitchen so the toaster ovens versatility appeals to me. You're absolutely right, it would be impractical to run an oven every time you want a piece of toast. I'm a little spoiled because, even though I don't have

Ridiculous. I too hate kitchen gadgets.Ive tried my fair share in my job but by and large they make the job harder instead of easier. I think my least favourite might be the toaster. Why,you might ask, am I offended by something as unassuming and ubiquitous as our friend the toaster? Because you have a big ass one

I believe NZ is very cozy with Hollywood and are staunchly pro copyright. Also, I think US and NZ have an extradition treaty allowing arrest warrants to be carried out on foreign soil.

Well....did you see Drive? because that movie kind of sucked. Unlikeable performances by Gosling, zero chemistry between him and the lady lead, convoluted story that relies heavily on imagery and little on sense and SPOOOOOOOIIIIIIILLLLLEEEERRR Albert Brooks is the final bad guy????? Albert Brooks?? C'mon mang......

Two days old but i just got back so ill bite:

Record companies deserve to die for not adapting to the technology of today. Were I the president of the RIAA, instead of focusing all my resources on sueing individuals who pirate(and taking a pr beating at the same time while being laughably ineffective) and stubbornly sticking to an outdated format, I would've

I live next to Haiti and have been there a bunch. Believe me bruddah, those figures are grossly innacurate. Not even WHO can accurately gauge how many people killed themselves in a country with basically no goverment, same applies to Ethiopia Im sure ,though having never been there or had experience with Ethiopians in

I got a degree in Bong Ripping at Dude University. Minored in Keg Stands.

I thought CBS was going to pick it up and present as NCIS:I love Wonder Women signed, Jethro

To all the smart alecks posting about the metal pot and machete: Its very probable they've traded for these items from other amazonian tribes who have had some contact with the outside world ie missionaries and such. I dunno, I mean, 3 women and a canoe seem like a fair trade for full set of pots and pans, that shit

@NomNom83: I think you've made the egregious error of forgetting Arthur Mutha effin' Miller on marylin's bang list