
you need a wand. its the best thing to pick up those pins... the floor of my apartment is basically a mine of pins, im actually really glad/lucky my cat is good at avoiding them.. weekly ill broom and find all the lost pins i've been missing..but those are the best pins, especially for tricky fabrics.. they're easy to

chicken buillon is the secret to split stinks up my house to high heaven but goddam when that soup is done is it delicious.. being spanish i sometimes like to dump some rice in there.

ugh.. i wrote a really long paragraph on nationalistic pride but i guess i didnt hit save after edit.. (i just got mirena and its the time of the day when the cramps come).. but i think a lot of people are associating white and dominican as something entirely out of context.. yes there's white spanish people of

as we speak Dominican Moda is being setup ..usually takes place around the 20th to the 25th.. I can never attend but I always love seeing what my friends posts on instagram/fb

Totally.. the world needs better icons.. but in the same sense that I feel pride that Oscar was dominican as I am.. I am also elated whenever Arlenis is modeling, or Zoe gets cast in a new role, or when I see someone on the subway reading Junot Diaz. It makes me terribly happy to see dominicans, whether upper or lower

i just make sure the string is resting forward..if it happens to eject in the process then ill change it.. if the string didnt get dirty from wiping why change it.. unless im about to shower right after that poop

Not to play Devil's advocate or putting down your comment, but there's a reason why his clothing can cost more than half a year's rent. He studied directly under Balenciaga himself.. a man who was known to unpick and re set a sleeve into an armseye if there was the slightest hint of dissatisfaction. They may have been

he was my Dominican hero. I've wanted to be a designer since I was 5, and when I knew he was Dominican it made me look up to him even more. I don't mourn celebrities but I'm so heartbroken

at first i thought the last words would be "you did your job now let me do mine" but i was like naw...

im just here for your four year old commentaries

yes! forgot about Ping's version.

grainline studio has the maritime shorts which have front face fly. I did the moss skirt and couldn't believe how easy it was to do the front fly Zip.

my secret is to press press press. as soon as i finish one seam, i go to the ironing board and press the shit out of it. its the only way i can get my stuff looking like ready to wear realness.. and avoiding quilting cotton for projects that will make it look like hobby holly like

Have you seen Lauren's Jamie jeans..

PS - are you on the sewing blogisphere as well? i'm over at

named patterns have the jamie jeans which are exquisite and at the moment I'm pattern testing ones which should be released sometime soon

I sew everything I own to I can make in invisible pockets on my pants and take of those stupid tiny pockets on tops that make no sense

when? im on. i dont go to the UES often but for this i'll even wear my assless chaps

I was solely responsible for chowing down every dead food order on my shift. those were some happy times

it was the one where she was a college student and she had a cat accident and her dad was brought to the hospital cause he was her emergency contact number. (sigh, I know them all by heart)