
Can we address the bigger issue here? Can we stop with the recommended/recent videos auto playing on every single page?

Tuesday: Here’s what other people think of the C8

No worries, the average Corvette buyer’s cataracts make the GM visibility problem moot. 

Not gonna ungrey concern troll bootlickers, HOWEVAH.

This is good shit for sure but imagine if GM didn’t have health care costs to use as a bargaining chip in the first fuckin place.

Land don’t vote !

And I’m sure Trump has literally zero idea that’s the case. “He was technically correct even though he has no idea what the hell he’s talking about” isn’t an acceptable bar for a kindergartener, let alone the POTUS.

No, Yugo tell him that.

Ahem. Michigan begs to differ.

Sorry, that wing combined with the lip spoiler just looks completely and utterly ridiculous.

3rd gear: I don’t see a guy with a degree in theology to be a bad choice for Nissan. Only way this guy saves Nissan and stays out of jail is through divine intervention, so having a guy with educational background towards asking for it seems like a good move.

Nah, that’s like typical angry boomer style right there.

“Also, I’m your average straight white guy, and I feel like I get a TON of hatred and vitriol online on a pretty regular basis”

If you’re that sensitive about how people online treat you, a straight white male - you wouldn’t last 30 seconds being literally any other gender, race or sexual orientation in literally any real world or internet situation without having a full-on mental breakdown.

Hey Eddie! I was reading Alanis’s piece because holy crap the vitriol she and her fellow women car journalists get compared to the stuff I get as a woman covering tech and nerd stuff is incredible (and I love her coverage of the subject).

Yea Jalop.  Fuck you for covering the biggest story in the automotive world right now.  How could you!!

It’s sad how numb we’ve become to these school shootings