
If you want supplemental lighting to get you to your door, by all means have it. That’s fine. This issue all of us have is using lights that for decades have signaled “I’m about to reverse out of this parking spot!” If you don’t see the issues this causes, I really don’t have enough time in the day to explain it to

Since when do Chevy owners give a toot about the people around them?

This is almost as infuriating as Chevy’s “Hey I just parked and left my vehicle but my reverse lights are still on” feature. These should both be felonies.

Escalating to violence is surely the most mature of responses, yes. What a big boy you are.

If only Americans loved AVs as much as they love 2a rights.

Sweet article! Fuck autoplay videos.

It feels like much of Ford’s troubles is lingering from things Fields put into place.

[Laughs in 7-speed]

It’s what we were founded on!

Don’t forget Jim Harbaugh

They are united in their hatred of popular, practical vehicles.

If you read the description and still download, you deserve to have your phone taken away.

May I introduce to to the baby boomer generation?

I don’t think it has much resemblance to your mother

It’s a Navigator but ok

Allow me to cleanse your palates

God that thing is so poorly photoshopped.

The Yaris TuRD Pro!

I did not and would not call Wranglers “small”. I wouldn’t call it a Compact SUV either, but that’s not up to me. All I said is the new Bronco is Wrangler sized and feels fine in this, the year of our lord two-thousand and twenty. I don’t know why you’re in such a huff. Is your rust bucket emitting fumes into the

I’m still negative about the truck engine in my S13.