
I’ve had very little issue with Bluetooth through three different phones in my car. Why complicate your life with multiple music devices? Do you have certain albums on your iPod Nano, and a killer playlist on your iPad, and your roadtrip music on your Zune?

Everyone talking about Aux jacks like it’s 2003. Does no one have music on their Bluetooth enabled phone, in this, the year of two-thousand and eighteen?

[citation needed]

No, the black plastic bezel. It’s some weird flowy goopy shape.

The blue car lead image is the ST-Line. Vignale is the burgundy hatchback.

Whatever is going on with the fog lamp bezel area on the ST-Line, I don’t want it.

Won’t be seeing this if the China trade war continues, that’s for sure.

It does not. The transmission on the current Mustang sits well forward of the shifter. The shift knob is in line with the first bit of the driveshaft.

Sounds like it was built improperly, not designed incorrectly.

“If this is the price of my open racism, then by golly gosh I’ll take it.” -The 35%

They don’t have a 401k to lose value. Fox News won’t report on the negatives of his decisions. They do not converse with filthy libruls, ever. Their wages have already been stagnant. Trump’s shenanigans have no way of actually reaching his base.

Just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Well, part of the appeal is when it rustles the jimmies of folks such as yourself.

Sounds like a personal problem.

This is a ground up all-new platform.

This is not U625

Luxury buyers prefer to be teased with concepts before heading to the dealership. Gives the impression of something that they can’t have.

Massive run-on sentence full of Ford/Dodge hate, typos, no empirical or statistical evidence of any kind, AND a response to a nearly 3 year old post. YEP sounds like a GM fan.

lololol spoken like someone in a huff. Did you not see the picture of the word made completely out of guns? Your panties are reaching critical twist-levels.

I meant people with an unhealthy obsession for guns, and the typical behaviors that tend to go along with that. Don’t mind me if you want to be in a huff, however.