
Weak sauce. The excuse that kids “are getting pornography anyway so put it in libraries” is dumb af. The FACT is Genderqueer is pornographic af and supporting it makes you look dumb. No parent except ones that aren’t wrapped too tight would be cool with that sh1t in school libraries.

A boy talking about sucking another

The show went downhill after Jon Stewart and he’s “quitting” in lieu of being replaced due to show being the lowest rated late night show.

I found him to be sensible until he gave into garbage. He’s still funny but his show became skippable real fast.

Bullcrap. No way they didn’t talk.

With all that said, I dunno how we prove it. Thomas is the most right wing justice on the court and....he’s a black man. How the hell?

Nope and it reminds me of the pastor that was watering the neighbors plants. Just because the cops are called, it doesn’t give them the right to trample on folks’ rights.

That’s how folks get swatted now.

Wearing a ski mask doesn’t mean anything besides wearing a ski mask. The call didn’t even say he was doing anything

Not to sound thick here but I don’t see where he said he wants THOSE funds.

Implied? Maybe. Slam dunk? No.

He was minding his damned business. Being weird shouldn’t have got him killed. Cops had no reason to f#ck with him. 

What does that have to do with what I’m talking about?

Let me say this. This stance you take doesn’t do you any favors with debunking the grooming stereotype that is going around about the LGBT community.

So, lets get down to it. You think it’s ok for schools to have books describing how a boy likes sucking another boys

She got a 2nd chance and she chose to knowingly get involved with a BS man.

Everyone can’t be saved, it seems.

Cool. The point is still there. Anyone with half a brain knows that cases get higher priority based on what the crime is alleged.
Kidnapping and murder will get higher priority than rape. Inferring that this MUST be a black and white is inserting race just to get a rise.

The Root is gonna root and play on the weak

Why lie? First the books aren’t banned from the general public. Some school districts have banned them from school libraries. Also, it’s rather quaint from the Banned Books site that many of the books say

Reasons: Banned, challenged, and restricted for LGBTQIA+ content and because it was considered to have sexually

Interesting take. The DNA testing pace DOES suck. However, alluding that because Fletcher was white, that it’s reason for the hurry in testing is race baiting ridiculousness.

Fletcher was abducted and possibly killed.
Eliza was raped and still living.

See an importance pecking order there? With all that said, I

It sounds like you need to watch kids shows then. GoT’s universe kills any and everyone. What? Do you expect civil special rights because a character is gay on the show? Have you checked whether this character dies is the book?

Of course not. As long you can appear on the side LGBT just to take a ridiculously

Losing? I’m glad that choice of profession was mentioned because it is THE number one reason.
Black women going into the social sciences or less, hurt their money making prospects unless they are the head of “Diversity and Inclusion” somethingsomething at a college or company, which pays very well.

The wealth gap is

You are only doing this because it’s a black female lead movie.

You are a sell out.

You have no clue though. Many black people take issue with the movie including myself. You just use racist white people to justify selling out in the name of “supporting black women”.

This is where these sites fall off a cliff. You can’t walk in front of another person walking then claim injuries.

What is this? A brake check?

I’m not even an MTG fan and this one is reaching like Reed Richards.

I’m kind of middle guy on the this (and I’m black). Just being white doesn’t necessarily give you privilege. I know black people that probably have more privilege than you do (but can’t REALLY know because I don’t know you).

Point being, privilege is case by case and goes by situation. For instance, Jan 6? ABSOLUTELY

The Equality Act has garbage in it. It legitimizes transwomen, for instance, as being women in almost every sense.

It should be trashed.

The problem with Texas is that it doesn’t offer a happy middle.

Leftists want unfettered abortions and righties want NO abortions under any circumstances.