
Spit hoods are not “bags”. Unlike George Floyd who had a knee on his neck and back by multiple officers, LaDamonyon simply had a spit hood which allows breathing but LaDamonyon was on drugs.

Investigate, sure, but don’t make this out to be a killing by police of a trans woman or that every trans woman that dies is an

We already have guns and every white person doesn’t have guns either.

We already have guns, genius.

Name those laws.

Her take was superrrrr dumb since black people commit the majority of gun violence. I’m black. We already have guns. DUHHH.

I see that many are backing up her statement and failing badly. You aren’t ACTUALLY thinking.

That’s because you far left folks don’t make a lick of sense. You pass this off as a conservative thing but it’s really a majority thing, on the right AND the left.

Live life as a trans person? Cool. You don’t get to parlay that into EVERY walk of life because ultimately a trans woman is still a male.

The male part is

It’s hilarious watching farrrr leftists make up anything they can to pass the view that Lia Thomas, a MALE, being viewed as a cheater that shouldn’t even be in women’s swimming is sort of far off right wing view.

I think some people on here live in a bubble and the MAJORITY don’t think Lia should be in women’s

Use male and female then, if it makes you feel better. Woman has been used synonymously with female for centuries.

It’s not friggin’ hard to understand. No matter what pronouns and wordplay you want to use, the fact is that Lia Thomas is a MALE and you know, typically, males aren’t walking around the women’s locker room.

Goodness gracious.

Gotta love how The Root tries to have it both ways.

Netflix lost 200K subs because of The Closer? Uh huh.
If that was the case, they’d have lost them in Q4 2021.

Now, there’s concern over NF jobs as if black women (dingdingding trigger) wouldn’t lose their jobs if NF starts hurting, even if over Dave Chappelle.

The Root

There will always be crime. You attack the problem from both ends: with cops and jobs.

You can’t “fix” crime.

Janelle Monae is also female.
I’m sure Janelle identifying as a nonbinary pansexual will help her career.

Absolutely ridiculous. He shot when Laquan posed no danger, lied on the report about him lunging at him, and was only tried after video came out.

He shot him while he was still on the ground.

I hate that people like this are allowed into politics at all. Hopefully, another Republican destroys him before a Democrat has to.

Ezra is a friggin’ mental case and this is what you get when you hire mental cases.

Next time, Warner should do better vetting.

Unions are net good so right on. Given the chance, businesses run all over the employees.

While I’m not huge fan of Warnock, Walker is the worst. Hell nah.

Good! Even IF she’s extreeeemely liberal, so what? We have Uncle Thomas on there and he’s extreeeeemely conservative.

The court is 6-3, so folks need to sit down in protesting an extreeeeemely qualified, 1st black woman justice.

Why are women included in this AT ALL?!

Tons of people care. If you don’t, that’s cool.