
Where did I talk double? Plus, that far left tact of cursing simply doesn’t work. It just makes your ilk look even nuttier. You can’t argue points so you just yell and curse.

You’re mental and unhinged.

I don’t double talk. I’m very consistent but it doesn’t agree with your nuttiness. It’s fine time for the mature

What was cringey about Elektra?

The mere fact that the mother is telling a story of a transition and it’s causing so much angst among some of the people in here illustrates exactly why professional help is needed. Reality shouldn’t cause such a schism in normal human behavior.

“OMG SHE SAID HER DEADNAME!!” You aren’t going to get better this way by

Ahh Nick Fuentes. He doesn’t like Ben Shapiro so he’s REALLY far-right.

I’m just not ball of emotions like you are against cops.

The male cop did exactly what he was supposed to do. The female cop didn’t.

The cops arrived while the kids were fighting so it’s perfectly reasonable to handcuff both of them and sort out anything else afterwards. One of the kids COULD have fought a cop and even

Cops don’t show up to ask ages when stopping a fist fight. You don’t live in reality.

The male cop did his job and female cop didn’t.

I bet this is disingenuous.

I bet that dating apps are meant for dating so soliciting donations is a no no or going on there to spread political ideology is as well.
I bet that most people in the world don’t think “transwomen ARE women” and it pisses off males when they find out they ultimately didn’t “match up” because

The black kid got flipped over and handcuffed and he was fighting.

The only problem here is that the Hispanic kid wasn’t handcuffed which showed unequal treatment.

Lawsuits are civil, not criminal haws.
Cops absolutely should be called over a mall fight. Are you dense? They were STILL fighting when the cops arrived.
The black kid threw the first punch but I don’t think that matters.
I don’t think the Hispanic kid could fight for real. The black kid had them hands.

Yes, I saw the

Why was the male cop wrong? He did HIS job while the female cop didn’t.

I don’t know what people aren’t getting. Cops can’t be fussed when people are committing a crime whether they should what you think over personal safety. They were fighting so it’s PERFECTLY reasonable to handcuff both of them. They can be UNcuffed

I don’t think I have an issue with THIS but I don’t f#ck with the DR and that’s why I won’t vacation there. Their policy on rolling back citizenship to Haitians that already had it rubs me the wrong way.

I can just go elsewhere.

Everyone has an internal bias. Whether that bias plays out in a person’s work is another story.
Here, the female cop had an internal bias that played out but ultimately, no one was hurt due to it.

I TOTALLY agree that the black boy wasn’t resisting. He was on the ground and got flipped over and handcuffed.

Again, folks that watch ONLY these videos put in front of you simply don’t know what you’re talking about. First off, in this country, we have a right to bear arms and that right has guns being more prevalent

Cops can’t be fussed to find out how belligerent the teens (or even whether they were teens) are going to be.

The problem with people on the outside looking in is that you don’t realize the variables cops deal with in any given situation. Nowadays, they are often damned for whatever they do.

They were in a fight, so

Nice spin. Saying something COULD happen has nothing to do with informing parents about a student’s “mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being.”

Not only that, what a student does in school is public. How are you “out” at school and not at home? That’s not the school’s problem.

Yeahm the black kid wasn’t resisting at all. HE was on the ground and the cop flipped him over and handcuffed him. I don’t fault the male officer for handcuffing the black kid. I DO fault the female officer for not doing her job and allowing the Hispanic kid to even be unattended.

It’s not the male officer’s fault the

The left wing media lied about him before the case and after the case and they continued to do so even after facts of the case were front and center.

Anyone could see a guy chasing the guy with the gun shot the guy chasing him. THAT IS A FACT.

Things like “he shouldn’t have been there” don’t change that fact. No one

They didn’t admit anything. This was a settlement and it’s already been proven the women one, rejected the men’s deal more than once when it was offered and two, got paid more than the men on a per game basis and overall.

This headline is a lie. Jez, you aren’t even spinning. You’re lying.
I actually have no idea why US

Had Greg Gard not grabbed Howard and not impeded his progress, none of this would have happened.

Howard can’t slap another coach though so that’s that but Greg Gard had no right to touch Howard either. FOH. Howard was on his way to minding his own business.