WHAT crimes?
WHAT crimes?
The talk about the voting rights bills ARE misleading because it makes it like somehow, specifically, black people’s voting rights are being taken away which is a lie.
Areas where specific voter suppression along racial lines can be addressed just like areas of specific voter fraud can be addressed. Saying, for…
Wait a sec. Dems would SUPPORT the filibuster if the shoe was on the other foot.
When you do things like this, it can come back to bite you in the ass.
As far as voter suppression, it’s like the Dems are setting things up for an excuse if they lose many seats in the midterms. It reminds me of 45 blaming cheating on the…
CRT is completely unnecessary below college. No one has been getting the wool pulled over the heads.
What I don’t like about this bill though, is the part about “An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race.”
I mean, if…
People still complain about slides yet if you just start the slideshow, they give you the list in the top right if you hit the button.
The people (we dunno if they were men, women, or both) that directed vitriol about her appearance were absolute sh1t. However, people want to see who they like to look at.
It’s not that complicated.
I don’t find her easy on the eyes and it’s my option to not watch G4, which I won’t, and it’s not just because of her…
I’m glad she got her head right in order to play again. She even did her post match interview.
If she had to be fined and quit the French Open in order get herself straight, so be it. I just hope she doesn’t quit again. Sports require mental toughness to compete at the highest level.
This judge is sh1t.
Cue Chris Rock.
Yes, there needs to be reclamation but for that, we have to look inward.
No one should have a problem with this. This is charity and charity can give to who it wants to give.
Now, lets see how it works out. Poverty often is not the fault of any system but individual choices. Sometimes, it’s bad luck, Sometimes, it’s mental health. Sometimes it’s a combo of them all.
This is what charities…
This shows why the name change was on point. It has gone far and away from ABC Family.
I remember hearing the college story of a man and woman, both drunk, having sex. The next day, the woman didn’t remember what happened and accused the man of raping her.
When the investigation took place, both admitted to being drunk, the woman admitted to performing fellatio, and the man didn’t remember fellatio being…
Uh oh. Historic mistrust? Jim Crow laws were just nixed about a decade prior to my birth.
Which side should have more mistrust? The folks “raised by single parents and don’t have positive working role models to follow in their footsteps” or the folks who have actively worked to enslave and trip up black folks at every…
A lot of what you say is true and I’ll concede that culturally, there are issues with making things better. HOWEVER, you discounts the effects of prior systemic racism in the equation where white people are culpable.
I believe in attacking the problem from both directions. I’ll tell my folks not to wallow in being a…
I say 1+1=2 and you say 1+1=7.
Putting one’s self in a position to murder doesn’t mean you actually committed murder.
Saying even, “I’m going to Kenosha to murder people” doesn’t mean if you shoot someone that you committed murder.
You have to ACTUALLY follow through with the murder part. If you do both things above and…
What was his plan? Wait until a protester attacked him? LMAO
One guy in particular, wasn’t there to protest. Gaige. He said he was there to be a medic and that’s it.
Obtuse? You keep filling blanks that aren’t there to soothe your dumbassery. I think the left is almost angry he didn’t shoot Maurice Freeland so they…
Firing a black head coach isn’t the issue. White HCs have been fired with better records after one season.
The mark is whether they get REhired.
You can’t claim this racism just because a black HC is fired.
My issue has always been that HCs in the NFL should overall be mostly black because it’s a 75% black league. We…
What conspiracy theories? YOUR ilk have been the ones talking about the judge having it in the bag for him when it’s in the public record that he does that with ALL of his defendants.
I’m a sellout just because I’m black and I go with what I SAW on video and it…
Hey, since you want to just repeat left talking points that have ZERO backing, post up where he attacked first.
I mean, the prosecution could have crucified him if that was shown.
Anyway, lets start there. The only one digging is you. KR is no hero but just because you don’t like him or what you think his politics are,…
1. I will talk to as the “the left” because you just proceeded to regurgitate every BS talking point left wing sites and youtubers spout off.
2. The gun wasn’t transported over state lines and this would be known had you bothered to check the facts in the case. BESIDES that, “transported over state lines” isn’t even a…