What makes it a hate crime?
What makes it a hate crime?
I get why dude is pissed the f#ck off but when I watched the video, it made me cringe a little. We need to download this info into every black person on how NOT to get shot. I could see how a itchy triggered cop will make a dumbass decision and think dude was threatening when it wasn’t remotely the case. The sheriff…
What the BLM chapter demands means jack sh1t and is irrelevant.
The sheriff needs to be in jail for being a Kevin and needs more jail time for being Kevin while being a cop.
There should automatically be stiffer penalties, I’d start at double the time, if a cop does the same crime as an average citizen. Look at it as…
I said as a collective. You’ll find idiots in every race. When you believe bullsh1t as a collective, it’s LOUD.
The trans community and it’s allies believe in some bullsh1t so much that it has become POLICY and it’s hilarious that Dave gets blamed for “getting trans people killed” while these policies couldn’t POSSIBLY…
So you are just reasonable then. You see, on this collection of sites, if you take any remote stance that can be construed as the opposite of the left, you are deemed a racist white man.
I’m black and get it all the time here.
Jan 6 has 2 glaring issues. The first and most important, are the actual rioters, who the…
Nope. Ultimately the solution is better education.
Many people miss the point of why this is a problem.
1. The restrictor is too exact. Imagine driving on a highway in a lane that was only 2 inches past the width of your car. You have no wiggle room and have to be exact just to function. Cars that fit this width restrictor have to be perfect to make it through so you…
Yes. Look at the money he’s made for his comedy specials. That’s a level up.
Folks love to argue about irrelevant things to do some virtue signaling and it means nothing.
So, you don’t want log in using an FB account because you hate FB yet you’re still logging into a Quest account whose parent company is FB (now Meta). You also use a device now made by the parent company and through all of…
They were suspended and fired for specific things, on paper, and not for organizing the walk out.
If the claim is they did nothing wrong, Netflix unsuspended one person and the question would be whether they got back pay. If they did, this is attention seeking completely.
For the fired employee, I imagine NF has some…
You have a 1st world problem miswire going on and I’m almost positive there has been a re-credit in the credits for Elliot Page (I want to say in Netflix titles) because brittle brains.
I’m not advocating for or against but folks like this are actually CONSISTENT.
If they believe life starts at conception then inconvenient babies aren’t any exception. You wouldn’t kill a one year old born out of rape or incest so they believe one in the womb gets the same consideration.
It’s not complicated to figure…
Yet, Dave is largely accepted.
I don’t need to even read the comments or the rest of the article (I read some) to know that this is a case of media trying to shape reality when it doesn’t fit.
The FACT is that far too many find Chappelle funny and COMPLETELY relevant and the campaign or better yet, delusion to SHAPE it otherwise falls flat on it’s…
I noticed that that gets very little press which speaks to left wing media bias that I was blind to before.
Don’t get it twisted. More than one thing can be true. The Jan 6 “protestors” were insurrectionists, a shame to the country, and should ALL get jail time.
It was justified that Ashli Bobbit got shot.
I don’t know…
Your point doesn’t stand because everyone’s performance declines with age. You have Bizarro thinking older lifters qualifying for events is irrelevant. Laurel Hubbard got to the Olympics due to being male. Laurel had to beat out females half Laurel’s age to even get there.
You are being full of sh1t now.
You should be able to explain, quite easily, what makes me a bigot.
You can’t just shoehorn words and phrases into situations where it doesn’t make sense. It reminds me of people that call words they don’t like “violence”. If a white person calls me a n**ger, that’s not violence. I may get pissed off and knock the ever…
Damn, this was tragic. I also must watch this video. DID Brittney Cooper actually say “we have to take white people out” or is this more Faux News bullsh1t?
I bet the racist d1ck didn’t even watch the video and just took Faux News’ word for it.
edit: Ok, as I look for Brittany Cooper on youtube, there’s an obvious dick…
Well, Jedi mind tricks are fact.
person 1 - “Hey lady, if you’re here for the exam, OB/GYN sign ins are over there.”
person x - “I’m not a lady. I’m a dog.”
person 1 - “Mmk then b1tch, the vets down the street.”
....and when Part 2 comes out, I’ll watch Part 1. I heard the movie is great but I refuse to watch “half” and knowing ahead of time, I’ll be left hanging.