
OMG I’m so sick of American “recipes” starting with a box mix.  FFS, that is not a recipe!!

Saw this over the weekend and I have a spolier-y question…

Back when I went to the gym, I went more frequently in the winter because it had a fantastic sauna. I’d go just to get warm. Then I’d tell myself since I was there and warm, I may as well stretch a bit. The stretching mat was in the cardio room, so after stretching, I’d often convince myself to do some cardio.

I like Jimmy Carr’s answer: “we can’t...the way we do it.”

Ha! As one half of an adult couple who frequently (well, every couple years) travel to WDW or DL, I agree. Of course, we aren’t the type to collect pins, wear Disney shirts or get ‘autographs’ from characters. We go to have fun hide from the world a bit. Those who get upset about the changes in the park are either

I live in Wellington and enjoy this show *immensely*. Yep, all these neighbourhoods exist! Be sure to read the newspaper ‘headlines’ during the intro. Some of them are jokes only Wellingtonians would get, but the Kiwi humour can generally appreciated widely, I think.

Again, I am embarrassed for you as a reviewer. A movie using “sci-fi concepts”? What does that even mean? Seems to me that you were suckered in my a badly marketed preview and watched the movie with that bias. Where you saw sci-fi, I saw fantasy of a drug-addled mind. Sure, it wasn’t immediate, but it didn’t need to

How embarrassing that you are considered a “top critic” on Rotten Tomatoes. This film is so clearly not a sci-fi movie (yep, sometimes the trailer is misleading. Get over it.). It’s a film that explores addiction and mental illness and attempts to show what it looks and feels like.  The signs that this was a drug trip

Hey, William...”child pornography” is not a thing. Children cannot consent, and pornography denotes consent. Can you please correct that phrase to “child exploitation materials”? (I work in law enforcement, and we are consistently attempting to educate in regards to this phrase.)

In New Zealand, permanent residents can vote, and cannot be deported. Takes 5 years of permanent residency to apply for citizenship.

Yeah, that Trans-Tasman bubble is not happening!

Some corrections, because even though the facts are readily available, you’ve written two incorrect articles now. The two women arrived because their mother was dying. While in quarantine, they got a call saying she was very close to death. They travelled over 8 hours by car from Auckland to Wellington to the family

Like the author, I’m also an expat - I moved to New Zealand when Bush got a second term. It was unbearable for me at the time. My first step was thinking of the countries I’d initially be willing to move to. I was in my 30s at the time and only spoke English. I wanted to move sooner than later, so dismissed any

A couple of points:

I moved overseas 14 years ago and have maintained my US credit card.  I initially used my brother’s address, but then just called them and changed my address to my overseas one.  They know I live over here, but I travel back often enough that the card remains active.  I also changed my address on my US bank account

Except that Southwest is one of the least expensive airlines, and 2 bags are included in the price.  I am old enough to remember when all flights included baggage - they split it to make more money, not to save customers money.

What are you even talking about? The Avatar production was going until the day before we locked down under Alert Level 4 in March.  Maybe some research would help before you write an “article”?

A lot of the people who work in this industry aren’t interested in being employees or organising.  One woman decided to take on a fight for a bunch of people who weren’t interested (including my husband).  Nevermind most of the studios are quite small and simply can’t afford to hire people on as full employees, as

No. We like to keep our country safe. How’s the US going with the Covid? And the dictator president?  Watch out for that glass house you are living in with all those stones in your hands.

Exactly, thank you. Came here to say that (as I live in NZ). The real “double standard”, if you consider it that, is that the movie productions are allowed in but contestants for the America’s Cup aren’t. Again, it is up to the government to decide what will help the economy.